Jan 21 2018

3e – New Year’s resolutions


1/ Do this exercise: choose if the resolution is « I will » or « I won’t »

2/ Then do this exercise and write « I will » or « I won’t ».

>Recopier les phrases correctes dans le cahier en notant comme titre « Will or won’t? »


3/ fill in the sheet your teacher gives you and check your answers here

And try to memorize the new vocabulary.


Jan 14 2018

The Secret Diary of Tiddles

If you want to have a look at other pages of the book: look (click on « look inside ») here 

To revise the vocabulary of this text,

do this hangman game 

or matching exercise

Déc 5 2017

Advent calendar – Day 5

Today the Christmas song is from the film « Love Actually »

You can watch the music video and see the lyrics here


Have you seen the film?

Nov 26 2017

3e6 – Training 2 – Listening

Training 2:

Watch the video and try to answer the questions here


See the video we watched today in full:


And see many more here

Nov 23 2017

Oral understanding – Training- BGT

Here are some good websites to train your ears:

Nov 9 2017

3e – Britain’s Got Talent

  • Watch the video


  • try to explain what is « Britain’s Got Talent »
  • fill in the following document:

3e Voc2

Find more about Britain’s Got Talent:

  • 1/ about the prizes here
  • 2/ and the auditions here
  • 3/ Look what the application looks like and find the names of other acts you can see here

Oct 18 2017

Irregular Verbs 1

  • Here is the first list of irregular verbs

irregular verbs1

  • You can listen to them here
  • A game to play alone or with a friend (or more!)
  • or you can learn with a rap


or a song by Manu Payet 😉

Oct 15 2017

3e – past simple or present perfect?

Choose the correct tense