Pancake Day

Pancake Day

Shrove Tuesday, translated as Mardi Gras in French, comes from the verb to shrive, which means « to obtain absolution for one’s sins by going to confession ».

Shrove Tuesday is now better known as Pancake Day, for the delicious little golden pancakes we are used to bake.

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The Origin of Pancake Day

The festival of religious origin, therefore, seems today to be more particularly a gourmet festival. 

Pancake day” takes place the day before the start of Lent.

It was traditionally the day when all Christians had to go to confession and when they ate all the rich foods forbidden during LentThe eggs, butter and fat that remained in the house were used to make pancakes, hence the name “Pancake Day”.

Where is it celebrated?

This day is celebrated in the United Kingdom, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, and parts of the United States.

When is it celebrated?

This celebration, therefore, has a religious character and the date of it varies according to the lunar calendar. But this year Pancake Day will be celebrated on Tuesday, March 1st.

How is it celebrated?

On this day, families and friends gather to prepare and eat sweet or savory pancakes.

During Pancake Day, the British organize pancake races, during which a large number of people dress up and run with a pancake in their pan. The goal of the race is to be the first to arrive at the finish line with the pancake in your pan by throwing the pancake while running. This tradition is said to have its origins in the 15th century when a British housewife busy making her pancakes, lost track of time, and when she heard the church bells she ran to the church with his pan and his pancakes.

Parliamentary Pancake Race in London | Piero Cruciatti Photographer in Milan

By E & E

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