Recycling symbols

We found a table which explains the meaning of the recycling logos.

Indeed, we can see them every days so it’s important to know what they mean.




Mobius Loop

This item can be recycled where correct facilities exist.

Mobius loop (with percentage)

This item contains x% of recycled material and can be recycled where correct facilities exist.

Green dot

In participating countries this means the manufacturer is funding a recycling program for products with this label. The UK isn’t a participating country.

WEEE directive

Shows that a product can be recycled separately from other household waste under the WEEE directive.

EU flower

An EU-wide award for non-food products that minimise impacts on the environment – detergents that are less harmful to rivers, lakes and oceans, for example.

Tidy man

Do not litter. A familiar addition to the packaging of many everyday items, this symbol simply suggests that the bearer should dispose of this carefully and thoughtfully.


This product (usually a drinks can) is made from recyclable aluminium.


Please put this recyclable glass container in a bottle bank.

by : Sarah & Maïssane