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LLCE Wednesday, October 9th

Next Monday : test on reported speech and tags

Cf October 2nd for reported speech

Tags :

Here a lesson , exercice 1     exercice 2      exercice 3

this website         :  look for « elementary  » Question tags ( 6 exercices )

 Reported speech  :

more exercices ( different from October 2nd)


1 LLCE Wednesday , October 2nd

So you have to finish your fairy tale and it must be sent on Monday,7th   8.00 PM ( Ecole Directe ).

Don’t be late otherwise you’ll get a penalty !

Quizlet on dialogue verbs

A lesson on indirect/ reported speech  ( exercices at the bottom of the page on the right )

exo 1 :  once you have finished the exercices, click on the arrow to do the next one

Another   site, at the bottom of the page, there are a lot of exercices , look for « reported speech  »



Wednesday, October 2nd

Quizlet  dialogues verbs

1ère LLCE Monday, September 23rd

Today you had a test.

For Wednesday, read the text The little girl and the wolf , by James Thurber and answer Questions B and C in your notebook.

Don’t forget to send your recording !


LLCE Wednesday,September 18th

Today in class, you had to find the elements/features/characteristics of the fairy tale in the text.

You had to find literary devices.

Everything written on the note book must be learned.

Test next Monday : you have to know and be able to write about the characteristics of a fairy tale , using the vocabulary.

You will have to explain some literary terms, giving examples.

For Wednesday, 25th : record  your reading of the tale. Send it to me either on Ecole Directe or on my work mail .

Here is the recording



LLCE Thursday, September 12 th Revolting Rhymes

Here is the video

Read the tale, check the vocabulary, write down the words you don’t know in your notebook with either an English definition or the French translation.

In your notebook : two columns : differences and similarities.



LLCE Thursday, September 5th Fairy Tales

We’ve started our work on Fairy Tales

Here is the vocabulary you have to start learning : a quizlet on  literary terms

I have forgotten to give  the vocabulary recap to some of you. Here it is. Don’t print it, I have a copy for you !

Here is the video you have to watch for Monday, take notes in your notebook so as to recap orally.

Revisiting fairy tales

The quizlet on the vocabulary will be ready later !




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