sunset norman rockwell

This is a Norman Rockwell ‘s painting.
Rockwell is a famous painter and illustrator of scene of every day life, born in New York in february 1894 and dead in november 1978.
Between 1916 and 1963, Norman Rockwell created 321 covers for the magazine « The Saturday Evening Post »
He also illustrates politicals questions like segregation (particulary in the famous painting « the problem we all live with »).

The title of the painting I have chosen is « sunset or spooners. »
This document is a oil painting which represents two children, perhaps they are ten years old, who are sitting on a homemade bench.
They are watching the sunset.
We can easily imagine there is their first love story.
The girl is taking in her hand a flower, maybe it s her boyfriend ‘ s present. In the bottom left -hand corner, we can see a sad puppy and a fishing pole. We can deduce the boy and the girl are falling in love because he is holding his girl friend in his arms.
The main characters look like happy and innocent, far of the society problems.
This painting is peaceful and colored. The yellow round brings light to the painting.Sunset is romantic symbol and represents romance.
We can also notice that there is an abandoned fishing pole .We can suppose, it ‘s the symbole of move time and that the things change. So there is also something of nostalgic in this work of art.

Triple self-portrait

I) Présentation :
this painting is entitled " triple self-portrait" it was the cover of the "Saturday Evening Post » of 13 February 1960. It 's the 308th coverage achieved by the artist for this newspaper. At that time, N. Rockwell is very popular.

II) description :
We can see the artist, sat on a stool, he's facing at a canvas and he is looking at himself in a mirror. He is doing a self-portrait but in the painting, he looks very young than actually.

III) details :
we can also see a helmet and a vat who's remind the fire of 1943 in the studio of N.Rockwell

IV) conclusion :
in this painting the painter draw a young person who is himself, he wants to become young again so he draw a idealist portrait of him.

painting of Norman Rockwell – Lemaire Clément

Norman Rockwell

Norman Rockwell was born on February 3, 1894 and died on November 8, 1978. He was a 20th-century American painter and illustrator. In 1910 he abandoned his studies and joined the Art Students League of New York, where he perfected his technique with George Bridgman and Thomas Fogarty. At sixteen, he illustrated his first book, Tell me why, Stories.

It’s May 20, 1916 that would be his first cover for The Saturday Evening Post magazine. He then became the painter of the average American and his name was forever identified with this review which it performed the most famous illustrations and covers up to 1963. The style of Norman Rockwell has been called a storyteller. As illustrator, he made sure that his works were in perfect correspondence with the texts he illustrated.

Russian Schoolroom”

Russian Schoolroom” is an oil painting by Norman Rockwell which was painting in 1967. It’s a reference of the Moscow classroom. This is a class attentive to their teacher’s lesson. The teacher is presumably outside the visual frame. A bust of Vladimir Lenin is standing on the left. The children are wearing school uniforms. On the wall of the background, there is writing in Russian “Study and learn”. Only one of pupil is looking away on the right, like a schoolboy losing focus and finding something more interesting outside of the classroom.

It shows that the pupils are looking and listening to the teacher which is not on the frame, so we can imagine that they’re listening to the bust which represents Vladimir Lenin, the statesman of the Russia. He was the first man who brought communism. This bust shows the rigor, the equality. But one pupil is not looking to Lenin’s bust, he represents the liberty of thought.

The moral is with more study, extensive data and attention to detail I believe that the assertion that people born in certain months may have a higher likelihood of being happier and more successful than others in the future. But, as of yet, this study is not sufficient.

The American Way – Norman Rockwell

En passant

This document is a painting who drew by Norman Rockwell in 1944. This document entitled The American Way. The artist has used oil painting. In this painting we can see two people. On the right we can see a person, surely a soldier and on the left we can see a little girls. In the bottom right-land corner we can see a machine gun. The machine gun is at the foot of the soldier. The soldier is the process of feeding to the little girls. I think the people are in cellar or in the old house who was destroyed. In the 1944, it’s the end of the second world warm, so this painting talks about it. The painting is divided into two parts. On the left , it’s the first part, it’s the girls who denounce the place because due to warm, many people died or disapeare for example the parents of the young children so maybe this girls lost her parents. And the second part,on the right, it’sthe soldier who can help the girls ; so it’s a contrast beacause in the warm the soldier killed a people everyay during the warm and some with pleasure. So he has a heart of stone but in this painting he help a girls, he help the girls to eat so it’s a good opposition. Me, I think this painting represent the good soldier because he help a girls who represent the nation’s civilian and he is not afraid to die for his country.