Sarah’s presentation


My name is Sarah and I’m in 4°A. I’m Thirteen years old and I live in Bondues. I am a small girl in size but it does not disturb me to live my life but we often tell me  » you are quite small !! « . I’m practise scuba-diving and I love it because I can see animals in their natural environment without excess disturbing them ( it’s very beautiful !!).I like more that everything animals and I dream to work in a zoo to be able to occupy me them. I have a very nice cat and a nasty rabbit in my home. I also have a donkey which is not in my home but which is in a big farm:  » La z’ane attitude  » an I am going to see him one or two times a week. I would like to travel over the world to be able to observe the behavior of wild animals. For me, it is really fascinating to be able to see animals which are not used has to see people and their reaction is different according to every animal.

Presentation in english from Yannis

Hello miss Mastin. I’am Yannis Verkindère, I’am in 4èmeA. I’am 12 years old. I like English that’s why I wanted do to « Euro anglais ». I play ice hockey in the Wasquehal hockey club. I also play tennis behind the middle School, athletics with Mr Leroy and badminton with Mrs Arrestier. My father is Thierry, he is 53 years old. My mother is Valèrie, she is 48 years old. I have got a « Doudou », It’s my only friend in my little apartment. Maybe it’s this item that I will bring in the classroom for my SHOW AND TELL. But I don’t remember when it’s my turn. Good luck for this year.

Yannis Verkindère 4èmeA

identity card

My name is louis malezieux.

I am 13 years old.

I live in Wasquehal.

My hobbies are playing tennis and skiing.

I am 40 kilogrammes.

I am 1.60 meter.

I have got one brother. His name is Rémi. He is ten years old.

My parents are 41 and 44 years old.

My favourite colour is red.

My favourite subjects are Maths and Geography.

I had got a pet. He was a red fish. He died in July 🙁


Marie’s presentation

Hi ! I’m Marie and I’m soon 13 years old. I live in Bondues. I’ve got 3 little sisters: Alice who is 10 years old, Zoé who is 6 years old and Sarah who is 3 years old. Later I want to be lawyer or a solicitor. I like Hip Hop and I practice this every thursday. I like singing (but I sing in my bedroom only). My favorite singers are Maître Gims and M Pokora and my favorite songs are Stay High of Tove Lo, Uncover of Zara Larsson, Maps of Maroon 5 and Waves of Mr. Probz. I like read too. I love the books of Cathy Cassidy: The Chocolate Box Girls. Tuesday’s I practise the Athletics. My favorite subjects are Physical education and English. Bye Love from Marie.

presentation from Estel


My name is Estel, I’m in 4B. I’m 13 years old. I have one brother, he is 17 years old and his name is Paul. I live in Mouvaux, in France. I am going to junior high school in bike.

I practise swimmig at Marcq-en-Barœul and this years I practise also theatre ! I love listening music. I haven’t got pets but I want a dog.

I’m in the class « anglais euro » because I think English is an interesting langage !

Here they are!

Here they are, the new pupils of the euro section! 29 students from 4A and AB, all willing to improve their English…..and get lessons in crime!

They look nice and serious, don’t they?




But…. don’t trust them! Criminals are hidden deep inside!


Ines’ présentation

Hello everyone !

I’m Ines Ennaji and I’m 13 years old. I’m in 4B.

I was born in Casablanca in Morocco on the 29th of August 2002.

I have got one brother, Hicham , he is 16 years old.

I love english that’s why I’m happy to be in the euro class!

I love practicing modern dance! I do this on Wednesday evening. I love guitar too.

I love so much listening music and watching movies.

When I’m older I want to study medicine ( I want to be a cardiologist ).

My eyes are brown, my hair is chestnut brown.

I’m not short and I’m not tall,I’m average height.

Back to school….soon!

Hello everyone,

we have already reached mid-August and in two weeks it will be time to go back to school! Aren’t you glad? 😀

This year I will be in charge of the euro 4 group and we will carry on a year project dealing with…crime! Thrilling, isn’t it?

I can’t wait to meet my new students and introduce them to you.

By then, enjoy the enf of the holidays!

Final task : Freedom from fear

Freedom from fear

This document is an oil painting by Norman Rockwell called « Freedom from fear ».

It’s a painting which is painted in 1943. On this painting, we can see 2 childrens sleeping in a bed, with a woman just above them. A man with a newspaper in his hands who is standing is looking at the childrens. All of this scene takes place in a bedroom with blue wallpaper and a blue ground. On the ground, we can see a doll, and maybe just next to the doll, a black luggage which is open. In 1943, the world is in the middle of the second world war, and the parents are just looking to the childrens, who don’t know about the horror in the world. They are just sleeping in peace, and the parents perhaps don’t thinking about the war when they look their children, but actually, they are afraid.

Corentin Verhaeghe