into the wild

« Into the wild » is a novel writted by Jon Krakauer in 1996 and adapted in movie by Sean Penn in 2007.

This book is a biographic novel who related the life of Christopher Jonhson McCandless, a young man , just graduate. This young man decided to left the civilisation and to lives alone in Alaska, regardless of the danger that represents. He mets some people who helped him to reach his goal. He passed 2 years lonesome in the wild but finally dies to intoxication.

On the beginning of each chapter, there are a short passage of poetry like Lord Byron or an extract of an other novel likes « White Fang » of Jack London. All of this extract talks about the relation human/nature.

Into the wild is my favourite book, because it shows how the civilation shoud be more dangerous than nature , and how many the humans relations cant be important for shared some point of view. For the film, I find it really amazing because the nature’s picture are very beautiful and it’s faithful of the original story.

4 réflexions sur « into the wild »

  1. i have just seeing the movie adaptation and the shot are so beautiful so I think that the book will be good to!

  2. I have never seen the movie or read the book, but I very should after reading your article. The main character could be a reference for all teenagers because we would sometimes live like him : alone, away from the socity, ect.

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