10 Reasons

Hello Bonnie, Alex and Angélique,


We are glad that you’ve answered us. In fact, we like sports too : Hugo does mountain bike, Louis does body-board and fencing and finally, John-Alexis and Anthony play badminton. We all do workout as well. John-Alexis has got a motorbike (he loves it !). We love dubstep and electronic music, and Anthony does DJ mixing with Louis. We go to parties on the weekends and we like to go outside to laugh and enjoy our free time.


You should come visit Reunion Island because first, we want to see you (we’re laughing), but there are some beautiful landscapes, and we live next to the beach. Here the sea is not always safe but there is sometimes a lagoon that protect us from sharks. However, there are many places for surfing because it can have huge waves and the water is hot ! So you can do a lot of nautical activities, and in particular scuba diving (but we think it’s better to go to the Great Barrier Reef!).

We can do hiking in the mountains because there are different types of mountains. There are two beautiful volcanoes too, and one of them is still “dangerous”.

Even if the island is very small, there are different climates: it’s very hot and sunny on the west cost, there is “savannah” in the north west, and humid and rainy climate in the mountains and the east cost.

You should also come in Reunion Island because there are a lot of different cultures in the same place, that’s why the Island was called “Réunion” (in English it means “meeting”). So, in the street, you can see a lot of different people, from different origins.

In Reunion, there is also a well-know place for doing paragliding, where there are usually world championship; it’s at “Saint-Leu” (here a lot of cities have got the name of a saint).

Anthony, Louis, John-Alexis, Hugo