Lamb to the Slaughter

During the last month we have studied the short story  » Lamb to the Slaughter » .
I like this story because there is a part of suspens and horror. There is also black humor because the weapon of the crime ( a frozen leg of lamb ) is eating by the policemen !!!!!!!


mock exam

On Tuesday the second and on Wednesday the third of December. All the year 9 have a mock exam. First, on tuesday it was a French exam in the morning it was very hard. In the afternoon, we have a math exam, it was hard too. On Wednesday we have a history, geography and civical education exam it was easiest than the french and math exam. We were very stressed.


The mock exam

      Before the mock exam I was very stressed. I studied french, mathematics and history during all the weekend. The Monday before the exam I didn’t go to school so I revised my lessons but the afternoon I went.

  The Tuesday morning it was the french exam. During one hours and fifteen minutes we have to read a letter and answer many questions. After we did a long dictation. At 9:00 a.m we did a small break. And at the end of french exam we have to read a letter. The french exam was the most difficult for me.

The Tuesday morning it was the mathematic exam. It not was very easy but I think that I passed him. 

And the Wednesday morning it was the exam of history, geography and civic education. For me the geography exam was difficult but the others was most easy. 

Now I wait the results. 

Salon du livre 2014

Salon du livre (the book fair)

In october, just before hollydays, we went to the event :the book fair  (Salon du livre ).We met a lot of illustators and autors.

It’s was possible buying some books
The place wasn’t so tall but there were a lot of stands.
The intry was free but we had to reserve to meet the authors in private.
We met Pénélope Bagieu, she’s a famous illustrator. She has written many books(comics strips) and she has produced a film « Josephine ».
There were stands to eat, and it was possible bringing picnic.
We spent a nice day <3.AVT_Penelope-Bagieu_4896

This’s Pénélope Bagieu.

Her productions :9782756026725


le-chat-de-la-blogueuse_9-halfby Pablo

Volcano museum

On Monday November 3rd 2014, the Latin class went to the volcanium museum (Cité du volcan). The bus arrived 2:30 later. We arrived at 11:30 a.m. First, we visited art shops and we watched a small film on 4D. After, we watched a panoramic film. We lisented NAO the robot. We searched informations of volcano to answer the quiz because we will have a test on that.  At midday we ate bread with pâté . It wasn’t so good but when we are hungry we eat ! We found the students of Lycée Stella, and come back to school ! The museum is modern, I like it. There is a tunnel representing a tunnel of volcano. Holidays was more long than the others students for us ! 🙂 🙂 🙂

volcan euro          volcan euro 2

Julie and Rebecca

the school race

On Wednesday the 8th of November, the race of Marcel Goulette began at 10:45 am. With Thais we were exempted so we encourage our friends who were running. It was a good day and it was very warm. Everybody was tired after the race.