My college Marcel Goulette ( de Mathilde)

College Marcel Goulette is in Piton Saint-Leu, in west of the island of Reunion. My college is the largest college of the Reunion: there are eleven buildings, five prefabricateds, one cafeteria, one boarding, one staff room and several stairs. In my school, there are one thousand pupils. The pupils begin their course at 7:30 am, there is a pause at 9:40 am, they finished at 11:30 am or 12:30, they will eat then they resumed their course at 1:30 pm and finished at 4:30 pm. In the schedules of pupils, there are two kinds of weeks: the weeks A and B. In my schedule, there are five hours of math, five hours of french, three hours of english, five hours of spanish, three hours of history/ geography, two hours of natural science, four hours of sports education, two hours of chemistry, one hour of art and one hour of  musical education.