Come to Adelaide

Hello Anaïs.

This time, we’re also writing to Julien and Jacques!

In Australia there are many tourist attractions.

  • Australia is very multicultural with lots of different people, Europeans, Asians, Africans etc.
  • Australia has very beautiful beaches and lots of sexy girls.
  • Fishing is very good here.
  • It is hot in summer and cold in winter in Australia.
  • In Australia there are some unique animals. For example Koalas, Kangaroos and platypuses.
  • We have some historic/natural heritages (Uluru, The Great Barrier Reef, The Twelve Apostles).
  • Australians are very nice.
  • Australia is a sporty country. We play soccer, cricket, Australian Football etc.
  • The Australian cities are super. For example Sydney, Melbourne, Adelaide etc. They are fun places to visit.
  • We have many different types of food.

That’s it!

Kévin et Dillon