Interviews with sports stars

After focusing on sports, we acted out imaginary interviews with sports stars. This made us practice question forms, but also how to show enthusiasm. And it was a challenge to edit the movies correctly! My thanks to the enthusiastic students…

Here are some films.

After Romain and Alizé’s film, here’s Mélody and Marie’s work

and finally Léa and Marie’s film.

On our way to school

With the 2nde Section Européenne, some of the students worked on filming their way to school. Here are their films (oh, and Jeanne was on a study trip in Perth, Australia, so she filmed her journey there…)


This is Iman, Lou, Alexandre and Nicolas’s film:


and here is Jeanne’s film.


In class (in Seconde), we worked a lot about volunteering, our English assistant talked about her experience in Madagascar, we researched different volunteering projects, and finally we had to make our own ads for a volunteer organisation.

Here are some recordings. We hope you like them.


Bitstrips encore

De retour à la Réunion, j’ai recommencé l’activité de création de BD, ici avec des Cinquième. L’anglais reste plutôt basique, mais l’activité est source de motivation pour les élèves… c’est déjà positif!

After_school Naomiepuis ici

one_day_like_no_otherou celle-ci



En classe, nous avons réalisé des petites bandes dessinées, a l’aide du site bitstripsforschools. Les élèves se sont amusés a créer leurs propres personnages, et écrire leurs propres scénarios, ici sur le thème de la routine journalière.

Have fun.

Noah's comic
Noah’s comic