School and Hobbies

Hello Alex, Bonnie and Angelique !

Oh, that’s fine ! But which kind of dance do you do Alex ? (Louis and Anthony love dance too, but it might not be the same as your’s). By reading all the different answers on the blog, we found that a lot of people in Australia like netball. However, we actually don’t really know here what is it ! The ten reasons you gave us were good ! Adelaide seems interesting, and of course your way of living seems very cool !


We’ve some questions to ask you about your high school :

Is your school recent ? Is it a pleasant place to work ?

Have you to change of classroom at each new course ? ?Do you often work on computers ? Have you got special ones for school ? ?Is it a public school ? We mean if you’ve to pay to be accepted like in a private one ?

Finally, we would like to ask you some questions about your hobbies (even if you’ve already talk us about it, because it’s our teachers intructions) :

So, do you play any music instrument ? ?What do you like to do with your friends ? Are you more sporty or do you prefer shopping with them ?

We guess you’re not computer nerds, but do you sometimes go computer ? Do you like social networks ?

Have you already traveled in Australia or in others countries ?


So, that’s it. If you want to keep us in touch (we absolutely not obliging you), for next years, etc. because we would like to improve our English, let’s chat on facebook.


Anthony, Hugo, Louis and John Alexis.