Interviews with sports stars

After focusing on sports, we acted out imaginary interviews with sports stars. This made us practice question forms, but also how to show enthusiasm. And it was a challenge to edit the movies correctly! My thanks to the enthusiastic students…

Here are some films.

After Romain and Alizé’s film, here’s Mélody and Marie’s work

and finally Léa and Marie’s film.

On our way to school

With the 2nde Section Européenne, some of the students worked on filming their way to school. Here are their films (oh, and Jeanne was on a study trip in Perth, Australia, so she filmed her journey there…)


This is Iman, Lou, Alexandre and Nicolas’s film:


and here is Jeanne’s film.

To Lucy Ella and Sophie

Hi Lucy, Ella and Sophie !
We’re fine and you ? Our school is not very big. Unfortunately, it is old and not very beautiful. Our school subjects are Mathematiques, french, sport, physics, german, spanish, and of course English. What about your school ? Wich school subjects do you have ? Do you like what you do in class ? How long last your courses ? Are they long ? Do you enjoy french courses ? Aren’t they too hard ?
In Reunion, the animals are not very great : there a lot of birds ( the  » papangues  » is the name given to the most famous bird in reunion.) there are crocodiles too, lizards etc.. But we think you already know the animals which there are here. Maybe not… We’ve not seen kangourous, wombats, koalas yet.
We have some questions to ask you : What do you do in your free time ? Do you like to go out with your friends ? What are your favourite activities ? What are your hobbies ?
We are so glad to speak with australian’s students ! We hope you too !
And, do you have a Facebook ? Or what’s your surname ? So, we have Facebook, if you want to add us.
Bye, see you soon !

Melissa, Ambre and Maxime.

To Kiara, Chelsea and Eloise

Hi girls! What’s up?

Here in Reunion it’s all right. We’re looking forward because of the end of the class which is coming fast ^^. So julien will have 16 on the next month 🙂 And Jacques in December. We live both next to the biggest beach of the island (Not so big compared to yours…).  Julien play tennis and practice « wing-chun », and Jacques play basketball, practice bodyboard and kayak. Julien has black short hair and has hazelnut eyes. Jacques has black hair, has green eyes and he is taller than Julien as a little bit. Julien likes listen to music, go to beach and go out with our friends. (like all the teenagers ^^) Jacques like hiking, paragliding, nautics sports, basketball, the night parties, and read a lot. We have perhaps a chance to meet you thanks to a trip, in Australia or here.                                                                                                                                                 How often do you often practice basketball? How many courses do you suffer in week? Have you got any animals? And you Chelsea do you want to work with animals? Kiara and Eloise do you do some competitions? Maybe we could communicate via facebook ?


See you soon

Julien and Jacques

To MacKenzie

Hi MacKenzie,

It semmes really beautiful all the things that you talked about ! It makes us wanna come to visit your island ! We hope one day we could !

ANd what about you, what option did you take at school ? We don’t have choice for the options at school, some of them are really boring you know ! And is your school a boarding school like our ? And we wonder to know one thing, have you got school on wenesday and saturday ? Because we got ! We’re so tired about that ! Getting up on that days is so boring ! Except it’s cool beacause we see each other, so we can laugh and be together ! That’s the only thing ! You talk about a lot of musical festival, we wanna see them ! They seems really cool ! You know Marine play guitar, do you play any instrument ? She does horse-riding too, and you ? Do you practise a sport ? We’ve heard that there are beautiful horses in Australia, is that true ? Do you have pets ? Jefferson got 5 rabbits, a bird and Marine got one little cat ! We show you some pictures if you want it ! ^.^

Waiting for your answer !

Marine and Jefferson