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3ème Wednesday, January 4th

HOMEWORK : sur la cahier, dire en quelques lignes quel « odd job » on pourrait faire parmi ceux ci et lequel on ne pourrait pas , en fonction de son caractère.

I like dogs  therefore I can be a dog-walker ….

Debbie loves pets therefore /consequently  dog-walker is an ideal job for her. She picks up her ”clients” every morning and takes them to Central Park on a leash. She has to use a leash so they don’t run away.


There is a lot of snow and if people are too busy or lazy to clear the snow, Garner is your boy.He needs a shovel.

Mary delivers papers to people’s home , at dawn, by bike.

Anthony  cleans people’s garden , he rakes dead leaves.

Siobhan  washes people’s car , she j ust needs a pair of gloves, a bucket and a sponge.

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