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Padlet I’m an immigrant

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Explore immigration data Answer in your notebook .

Choose one fifty-year period between 1820 and 2010. Research the major world events that happened in your time period. Events might include wars, economic declines or booms, religious persecution or environmental disaster. Do you see a connection between your events and immigration to the United States? Why or why not?

Groupe 1 : 1820/1870  De Camille à Nico

Groupe 2 : 1880 /1930 De Rayan à Noémie Mansour

Groupe 3 : 1940/ 1990 De Julia à  Eva 

All students : Answer the following questions

From 1820 to 2010, which three countries had the highest number of immigrants come to the United States?

In the 1930’s, immigration to the United Stated declined. Why? What was happening in the 1930’s in the United States? Research your answer.

At one point in history, the greatest number of immigrants to the United States came from Europe. Look at the data to figure out in which decade that changed. What continent where most people coming from then?

From 2000 to 2010, which continent or region did the most people come from? From which country did the most immigrants come?

Timeline : you will find some help to answer the questions








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