Bionic Humans

Bionic Humans are people enhanced with technology. Inside they look like robots, but outside they look like humans. They can have only some parts artificials too. Should there be any limits to technologies like Bionic humans, wether ethical or legal ?

On the one hand, this technology can improve and help humans, but on the other hand, can this technology have potential dangers and go too far ? Today, technology progresses day after day . The implant technology is already a reality, some people recovered sight or other lost sense. This technology gives a second chance to people who have serious diseases or an accident. It allows people to transform and fix their body. For example, Frank Swain became Cyborg with earing aids because of the loss of his hearing, due to a genetic problem.

But people can go too far with this technology. It may be really dangerous with all potential abilities. Improved human beings can have consequences . For example, we can imagine it may be used for wars and conflicts. It can damage the body and create new diseases.  It can be Hacked too.

Bionics Human can be the future of humanity but we have to be careful with this new technology because it impacts us directly on our nature, and can easily be diverted for misuse.


Gene editing

Gene Editing is a type of genetic engineering in which DNA is inserted, deleted, modified or replaced in the genome of a living organism. Gene Editing is debated a lot. Indeed, some people think it is a great chance for humanity to eradicate illness. But others may be afraid of the risks. How far can gene Editing go ?  What are the risks ?

On the one hand, gene Editing can help to cure people and  eradicate illness. But on the other hand, people may abuse of this technology. Gene Editing is getting more and more concrete day after day and thanks to it some people were already saved. For example, Charlie Whitaker was born with DBA, a debilitating genetic condition. His parents wanted to cure him by giving Birth to another child. Jamie, his brother, was born in 2003. He was clear of the disease. The doctors transplanted Jamie’s gene into Charlie. Since that Charlie has no more traces of DBA in his bone marrow. In this case, the saviour sibling is loved by his family and was ok to help his brother.

As we said, some people may abuse of gene Editing. Maybe this technology will allow us to customise our children. For example, we can imagine that we might be able to choose the IQ, the hair color etc. By changing the genome it can create new diseases. In the worse case, it can lead to an eugenic society in which only “perfect human” are able to live.

Gene Editing can be a great chance for humanity to cure diseases and save people but not at any costs. But we can’t avoid the risk that people might make a bad use of it.







      Cloning is a process that consists in picking up cells or DNA fragments from one organism to create a new one. The cells have to be genetically identical. Now cloning is part of debate : some of the people are in favour of cloning but others are not. That’s why we will try to answer a few questions : is cloning really necessary? What is the main purpose of this method?

      Cloning gives us a new possibility that we didn’t know before.
First of all, cloning can help people to replace someone that died. For example, the parents that lost their children can recreate them with the same exact genes. As a result, they will be identical : the same color of hair and eyes, the same face shape or skin color, the same gender etc. Another point is that it can save other people’s lives. Human beings with AIDS can die. It is impossible to help them, because they cannot get an organ which could be transplanted. Cloning could give them a chance to have those organs transplanted, without problems with adopting a new one.

      But we personally are against cloning.
If we take the previous example of cloned children, we can say that it is a different person in the same body. The problem may be a family who thinks that it’s the same child they’ve got in the past. The truth is that this method gives them a different child. They look alike because they have identical characteristics but not the same behavior, same personality or preferences.

      To conclude, cloning isn’t necessary for everyone. Sometimes this method can help fight off various diseases, but it is not the best option to replace a person. Everybody’s life will end one day and being ourself is the best option. Cloning people prevents them from having their own identity which can negatively affect their well-being.

Written by : Marta, Aghiles, Yahn, Kamila. 

Genetic selection

Genetic selection is a technique that allows people to “choose” the genes of baby to make an ideal person. It makes us wonder how genetic selection is an idea of progress in our society. It raises the debate in which some people think that it helps people but others thinks that it brings ethical problems.

On the one hand, genetic selection is an idea of progress. Indeed, it helps parents to have a baby without any illness. Parents feel better to know that their children have a better life. They also can choose different characteristics to make their children look like their ideal children thank to PGD.  From example, in the movie “Gattaca”, the main character’s parents used this technique on their second child so he won’t be sick and he is kind of perfect for them. Morever, many celebrities and also unknown people chose some of their child’s genes.

On the other handy, genetic selection raises ethical problems. Some people wonder: what perfection is? And it brings up the topic of eugenics. The eugenic is a set of belief and pratices at improving  the genetic quality of a human population by excluding certain genetic groups. For example, when Hitler wanted to create the Aryan race, that was the perfect race for him, it was eugenics. There won’t be any diversity people won’t be unique any more. The movie “Gattaca” deals with eugenics and perfection.

Genetic selection is an idea of progress because it helps people’s or their children health. It also allows to reduce illnesses. However, the easy access genetic selection makes people to abuse of it and it can create eugenics.

The Enhanced Human, final task

Mission: Participate in an ethics group 

You are going to be part of an ethics discussion group, working on a hot topic of the moment:

1. Bionic humans (cyborgs — implants — brain stimulation — transformation )

2. Gene editing (stem cell research — saviour siblings — transplants)

3. Genetic selection (designer babies — eugenics — perfection)

4. Cloning (genes — doubles — identical — identity)

5. The enhanced human (cyborgs — micro-/nano-chip implants — genetically modified humans — control)

Write a collaborative essay for an ethics discussion group, which you will post to a blog.

Individually, leave comments on topics you will choose.

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