Genetic selection

Genetic selection is a technique that allows people to “choose” the genes of baby to make an ideal person. It makes us wonder how genetic selection is an idea of progress in our society. It raises the debate in which some people think that it helps people but others thinks that it brings ethical problems.

On the one hand, genetic selection is an idea of progress. Indeed, it helps parents to have a baby without any illness. Parents feel better to know that their children have a better life. They also can choose different characteristics to make their children look like their ideal children thank to PGD.  From example, in the movie “Gattaca”, the main character’s parents used this technique on their second child so he won’t be sick and he is kind of perfect for them. Morever, many celebrities and also unknown people chose some of their child’s genes.

On the other handy, genetic selection raises ethical problems. Some people wonder: what perfection is? And it brings up the topic of eugenics. The eugenic is a set of belief and pratices at improving  the genetic quality of a human population by excluding certain genetic groups. For example, when Hitler wanted to create the Aryan race, that was the perfect race for him, it was eugenics. There won’t be any diversity people won’t be unique any more. The movie “Gattaca” deals with eugenics and perfection.

Genetic selection is an idea of progress because it helps people’s or their children health. It also allows to reduce illnesses. However, the easy access genetic selection makes people to abuse of it and it can create eugenics.

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