W8 Day 21

Correction for DAY 20


Quand l’adjectif est long, on ajoute more devant au lieu de le rallonger. Faites bien attention à la question pour pouvoir y répondre.

1 Who is more intelligent ? Astérix or Obélix ? Astérix is more intelligent than Obélix.

2 What is bigger ? A dog or a cat ? A dog is bigger than a cat (except for chihuahuas)

3 What is better for you ? Water or soda ? (better= meilleur, surtout  pour la santé) Water is better for me than soda

4 What is faster ? A cheetah or a tiger ? (cheetah = guépard) A cheetah is faster than a tiger.

5 What is more dangerous ? A mosquito or an elephant ? (Mosquitoes kill more than one million people every year) A mosquito is more dangerous than an elephant (really ?!)

6 What is lazier animal ? A koala or a kangaroo ? (lazy= paresseux) A koala is lazier than a kangaroo.

2 ANSWER THE QUESTIONS : Répondez aux questions

1 Who is faster at jogging ? You or your mother/ your father ? I’m faster at jogging/ My mother/father is faster …

2 Who is better at mathematics ? you or your brothers and sisters ? I’m better at maths than my brothers and sisters. My brother is… My sisters are better…

3 Who is taller (=plus grand) ? You or your mother ? I’m taller than my mother/ My mother is taller than me.

4 Who is funnier (= plus drôle) ?  You or your brother/sister/ cousin ?I’m funnier than my brother/ My sister is funnier than me.

5 What is better for you ? Fruits or soda ? Fruits are better for me.

Day 21

1 SPELLING : transform the adjectives in the comparative form. OrthographeTransformez les adjectifs pour les mettre à la forme comparative. (Aidez-vous des phrases ci-dessus)

small / short/ high/ tall/ large/ happy/ funny/ dangerous/ intelligent/ good/ old/ interesting

2 ANSWER THE QUESTIONS :Répondez aux questions

1 What is more interesting in your opinion ? History or geography ?

2 Which city is bigger ? Paris or New York ?

3 Which country is larger ? The USA or France ?

4 Which is taller ? The Eiffel Tower or The Empire State Building in New York ?

5 Which is more dangerous ? Judo or rugby ?

3 Listen to this video and practice the pronunciation. Read the text five times aloud. Ecoutez cette vidéo pour pratiquer la prononciation. Lisez le texte 5 fois tout haut. Traduction sous le texte.

One fishTwo fishRed fishBlue fish,
Black fish, Blue fish, Old fish, New fish.
This one has a little star.
This one has a little car.
What a lot of fish there are.
Yes. Some are red, and some are blue.
Some are old and some are new.
Some are sad, and some are glad,
And some are very, very bad.
Why are they sad and glad and bad?
I do not know, go ask your dad.
Some are thin, and some are fat.
The fat one has a yellow hat.
From there to here,
From here to there,
Funny things are everywhere.

Un poisson, deux poissons; poisson rouge, poisson bleu

Poisson noir, poisson bleu, vieux poisson,  poisson neuf.

Celui-ci a une petite étoile.
Celui-ci a une petite voiture.

Dis-moi ! Comme il y a beaucoup de poissons !
Oui. Des rouges et des bleus.

Des vieux, et des neufs

Certains sont tristes, et certains sont contents,

Et certains sont très très mauvais.
Pourquoi sont-ils tristes, contents, mauvais ?

Je ne sais pas, va demander à ton père.

Certains sont maigres, certains sont gras

Le gras a un chapeau jaune

D’ici, là-bas,

D’ici, là-bas,

De drôles de choses sont partout.



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