JOBS / negative, anything, nothing

1 POSITIVE FORM / NEGATIVE FORM (voir dans le cahier les mots quelque chose, quelqu’un, quelque part)

Attention : quelque chose : something/anything/nothing

quelqu’un : someone/anyone/noone OU somebody/anybody/nobody

quelque part : somewhere/anywhere/nowhere

Exemples : a postman sells nothing               /               A postman doesn’t sell anything.

verbe forme affirmative + mot commençant par no-/ verbe forme négative + not commençant par any-

a/ a builder delivers nothing  b/ a baker builds nothing c/ a teacher drives nowhere d/ a dentist fights nobody.


a/a builder makes (what things ?) Does a builder make ____________ ?

b/ a dentist travels (to what place ?) Does a dentist travel______________?

c/ a grocer sells (what things ?) Does a grocer sell _______________ ?

2 Describe jobs : workplace/time/equipment/outfit/actions (with one negative action)  : écris un court paragraphe sur ces métiers. Tu peux te servir du vocabulaire ci-dessous, ou détailler davantage.

a D.J. / a sports instructor/ a farmer/ a helper

PLACES : a nightclub/ a gym/ a stadium/ the fields/nature/on a farm/ in a home/ in people’s houses

TIME : at night/during the day/on weekdays/at weekends

EQUIPMENT : a computer/ detergent/ loudspeakers/ tools/ a tractor/ a telephone

OUTFIT : sport shoes/ trainers/sweat pants / a T-shirt/boots/ an apron/overalls/ a hat/gloves

ACTION VERBS : to look after / to entertain/ to grow / to help / to clean / to cook / to drive/ to coach / to train / to exercise / to dance….

Key :

 Describe jobs : workplace/time/equipment/outfit/actions (with one negative action)

a D.J.  works outside or in a club. They work at night. They wear casual clothes. They need loudspeakers and computers. They organise parties and they make people dance. They dance too, but they don’t serve drinks.

a sports instructor works in a gym, a fitness club or outside. They work during the day. They need sports equipment such as balls, rackets, mats. They wear sports clothes, sweat pants, T-shirts, trainers. They look after people and they help them get fit. They don’t sell anything.

 a farmer works on a farm and in the fields. They work every day, even at weekends. They need water, a tractor and tools. They wear casual warm clothes and boots. They grow plants and raise animals, they drive vehicles, and they sometimes sell their products to customers at the market, but they don’t make appointments.

a helper works in someone’s home or in an institution. They work during the day or at night, on weekdays or at weekends. They wear casual clothes. They need detergent, and brooms and mops.  They help people in their every day life, and they sometimes help to cook or wash. They don’t need a computer.


1 Where is Will Smith ?

a- in a party / b- at an appointment at a  clinic /c – at a job interview in a restaurant / d- in a secret defense centre ?

2 What is the first thing Will Smith has to do ? (= doit faire)

a- relax /b- stand up / c- sit down

3 Find the odd man out (=l’intrus) : army rangers, NYPD, Marines, Navy Seals, firefighters, Air force

4 Why are the men in this room ?

a- because they wear uniforms /b- because they have a test / c- because they are the best of the best of the best

5 What do all the men wear, except Will Smith ?

6 What do all the men have to do for their test ?(doivent faire )

7 What do they all use for the test ?(name two objects)

8 The shooting scene : Why does Will Smith shoot the girl silhouette ?

a- because her quantum physics books are too advanced for her  / b- because the aliens are not dangerous / c-because her name is Tiffany

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