What sort of document is this ? is is a photo ? a painting ? a propaganda poster ? a war poster ? an advertisement ?

Who created it ?


What does the picture focus on ? What can you see first ?

Who is it ? What is he wearing ? What is he doing ?  What colour is his shield ? Does it look like anything special ? Look at the bullet impacts on the shield ? What are they ?

Describe the bottom of the picture :

Who can you see ? Is there a clear historical context ? Is the enemy visible ?


Look at the two slogans. What is their goal ? What does Captain America symbolise ? What is the difference between the soldiers and Captain America ? Where is Captain America standing ? Where are the soldiers standing ?  What values does he represent ? strength or weakness ? Is he athletic or not ? Is he vulnerable or invincible ? Is he a soldier like the rest ? is he more like a god ?


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