Black Lives Matter

Discover the June 22 2020 New Yorker cover  about George Floyd and read about black victims

Build a vocabulary list about violence and justice :

accuser de meurtre/ accuser/arrêter/assassiner/ battre, tabasser/bombarder, tuer par bombe/ commettre un meurtre/condamner à la prison/ condamner/lyncher/menacer/tuer par balle/

Learn the vocabulary of justice

The simple past passive or the present perfect passive :

  • simple past passive : il y a une date, et l’histoire est terminée. Be au simple past + participe passé
  • present perfect passive : l’histoire est en cours, elle est toujours vraie, elle n’a pas de conclusion au moment où je parle. Have  au présent + been + participe passé

Choisissez la forme qui convient : Attention, il y a aussi des formes actives…. Réfléchissez au sens des mots.

Entraînez-vous ici :

Reprenez les phrases et complétez-les ici :

1 MLK ________ in Memphis, Tennessee, 1963 (to assassinate)

2 Malcolm X _______ his own biography (to write)

3 Some scholars _______ the graves of enslaved people by looking for periwinkle ( a blue flower used in cemeteries). ( to find)

4 George Floyd _______  by a policeman in  Minneapolis on May 20, 2020. The policeman ___________. He _________ with murder. (to kill/to fire/to charge)

5 David McAtee _________ by the police on June 1st 2020 (to shoot)

6 Rodney King ________ by four policemen in 1991. The action________ by a witness. None of the policemen________ in California. (to beat/to film/to convict)

7 Emmet Till _____ by two men in Mississippi in 1955. The men_______not guilty ( to lynch/to find)

8 Hundreds of people _____ from Selma, Alabama, in 1965. A 25 year old activist______ . Dozens ______ by the police. The Voting Rights Act________ that year. ( to march/to die/to injure/to pass).

Kadir Nelson, Once Upon a Time in the City of Angels.

Key (solutions): 1 was assassinated 2 wrote 3 found 4 was killed/was fired/has been charged with 5 was shot 6 was beaten /was filmed/was convicted 7 was lynched /were found 8 marched/died/were injured/was passed

I HAVE A DREAM : listen to the speech


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