Daily ROUTINE questions and answers


Compléments de temps : Lisez -les et classez-les dans le tableau

on Wednesdays/every Saturday/ next Sunday/in the afternoon/in the morning/at night/every Thursday /at lunchtime/at noon

Jours habituels Moments de la journée Heures

2 IS THERE AN EXCEPTION IN THE LIST ? y a -t-il une exception dans la liste ?

3 PICK THE RIGHT ANSWER : choisissez la bonne réponse qui vous correspond :

  • Do you make your bed ? yes, I do./ I make my bed every day./ No, I don’t make my bed.
  • Do you go to school by tramway ? Yes, I do./ No, I don’t./ I *walk to school (I go to school on foot). /I ride my bike/I ride my scooter to school.
  • What do you have for *breakfast ? I don’t have breakfast./ I have juice and toast./ I have milk and cereal. /I have a fruit./ I have a yoghurt.
  • 4 Do you have breakfast in bed ? Yes, I do./ No, I don’t./ I have breakfast in the kitchen.
  • Do you *watch *the news on TV ?Yes, I do. /No, I prefer cartoons./ I watch series.

Vocabulary :

breakfast = petit-déjeuner/the news=les informations/walk=marcher/watch=regarder ( un écran)

4 ANSWER THE QUESTIONS : répondez aux questions (inspirez-vous du tableau plus haut avec les questions et les réponses). Attention : on a besoin du sujet, puis du verbe dans les réponses. S+V

1 Do you ride your bicycle to school ? Do you walk to school ? Do you go to school by bus ?

2 What do you have for breakfast ? Do you have tea, juice, coffee, milk, cereal, toast ?

3 Do you have breakfast in the kitchen ?

4 Do you watch TV in the kitchen ?

5 Do you watch TV in the morning ? Do you watch TV in the evening ? Do you watch TV in the afternoon ?

6 Do you like cartoons ? Do you like horror films ? Do you like series ?

7 Do you make your bed ?

8 Do you have a shower in the morning ? do you have a shower in the evening ?

KEY (solutions)

TIME ELEMENTS  – READ THESE AND CLASSIFY THEM : Lisez -les et classez-les dans le tableau

on Wednesdays/every Saturday/ next Sunday/in the afternoon/in the morning/at night/every Thursday /at lunchtime/at noon

Jours habituels Moments de la journée Heures
On Wednesdays In the morning At noon
Every Saturday In the afternoon At lunchtime
Every Thursday At night

THE EXCEPTION IS : next Thursday = jeudi prochain.
On ne parle donc pas d’habitude, mais du futur, de projets.

PICK THE RIGHT ANSWER:TOUTES LES RÉPONSES SONT BONNES, CELA DEPEND DE CHAQUE PERSONNE. J’espère que vous avez écrit avec soin chaque question et chaque réponse.

1 I walk / I go to school on foot/ I go to school by bicycle….

2 I have tea and … I have nothing/ I don’t have breakfast

3 I have breakfast in the Kitchen/ in the dining-room

4 I watch TV in the kitchen/ in the living-room/ I don’t watch TV

5 I watch TV in the …/ I don’t watch T.V.

6 I like… but I don’t like…

7 Yes, I do/No, I don’t…

8 I have a shower in the …

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