YWCA poster


1 Is this document a poster/book/ photograph/drawing ? 2 Is it propaganda, a caricature or news ? 3 Is it a colour/black and white picture ? a photo ? …a drawing / an illustration / a poster / a statue ? 4 Who created it ?   5 What was the historical/political/sociological context ? 6 What is the issue ?

DESCRIPTION  : 7 What can you see ? a person/man/woman/an animal ? What are they doing ?  8 What are the meaningful (important)  elements ? What is the background like ? Are there any slogans ?

ANALYSIS : 9 Explain the elements you can see.10 Define propaganda with essential elements and show the relation to the document.11 Write your conclusion : is the document propaganda ? Why ? Answer the question about the document (women’s role in society…) 12 Your opinion : Do you like the document ? Is it interesting ? Is today’s situation different for women ? Can you be critical about the picture ?


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