
This blog has been created by having two things in mind. The first thing is a quote from the Roman philosopher Seneca, that ‘while we teach, we learn’ and the second is, as Tim Ferris describes it, ‘low information diet’. But what do I mean by that?

The best way to learn a subject is to teach someone else about it. That way we will expose ourselves to what we know and what we don’t, and we will challenge our knowledge by having questions answered.

The second part, the ‘low information diet’ concept, as Tim Ferris says, has to do with the minimization of the amount of information input into our brains and the maximization of the output. In other words, we should not be information consumers but an information producers.

About me and this blog.

Before I write anything else, let me introduce myself to you. My name is Dimitrios, I was born in 1989 and I’m a Greek. I study finance and I love trading, the main subjects of this blog.

I will use this blog as my personal notebook. This blog will hold my notes, in a form of blog posts, of the various courses and books that I watch and read, and I hope that this process will help others to learn the subject as well.
This process will also minimize my personal information input and increase my information output.

The main theme of the posts will be to explain various topics on finance / trading, with some complimentary subjects about health, fitness and personal development, always by focusing of trading, and by having a ‘further reading’, and ‘bibliography’ sections on every topic. Something that will give a more scientific flavour into the blog.

Until today, I haven’t develop a posting time schedule, so a good idea will be, if you like my content, to follow me on Medium, so that you will be notified whenever a post is online, and/or to bookmark my profile page for easy access. If on the other hand didn’t like my content, please do send me a message and/or leave me a comment below. I’m always open to further improvements. Thanks and have a good day.