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It is a good thing that digitalization is changing the world system, through the creation of different digital technologies, but the world is not enjoying the benefits of this new found digital era to its fullest, due to the unfair and inhumane acts of central systems.

Since centralization found its claws into the digital system, it no longer delivers up to its full potential.

Even in the cryptocurrency industry which was born out of a decentralized technology known as the Blockchain, centralized systems has flooded the market, making it difficult for the users in the cryptocurrency industries to profit from the system.

Now, some of the banes of centralized systems in the cryptocurrency industry is the holding of the user’s funds by these central authorities, which is obviously very risky, as the system is subject to manipulations and hacks which could cause loss of the user’s assets.

Another disadvantage of centralization is that the whole governance is done by the system and users do not get a seat at the table when decisions regarding the system are being made. In other words, no user can contribute on
the governance of the system s everything is left in the hands of the central authorities.

This is not great as it could lead to the mismanagement of the system by these bodies, in the quest to gratify their personal gains.

In addition to the use of the Blockchain technology, a Decentralized Autonomous Organization (DAO) is really needed for the world to scale through out of centralization.

Let me introduce you to the first of such systems,



Geoma DAO is a fully cryptocurrency based Decentralized Autonomous (DAO)system, developed to curb the issue of centralization, and put the members in charge of the system.

Geoma DAO is unlike the regular cryptocurrency systems, where the user’s funds are mismanaged by a selected few in the central system, It makes use of the Blockchain to
efficiently give the best to users.

With the Geoma DAO, the members have full control of the system as they are regarded as the contributors on the platform.
So the Decentralization of the system is unrivaled as the governance of the system is dependent on the decision making abilities of its members.

This way, there is no issue of mismanagement and loss of funds as seen in the centralized systems.

Geoma creates and builds on different projects such as in the agricultural sector, medical sector, energy production and even real estate, with the aid of the Blockchain technology.



To build on any project, on the Geoma DAO, the members of the system make different proposals on different decentralized Blockchains to build on, that will be of uttermost benefit to both the system and the world at large.

Out of the different projects proposed by contributors, a particular one is chosen through a voting process by the contributors, where the one with the winning vote is selected,and by this, a consensus is then reached.

To start building on the voted project, another core is passed by the contributors, to select those who will execute the project, and once that is done, the project building starts.

With this kind of governance in place, the user’s funds will be safe and secured and they do not have to worry about hackers and internal theft, since they are in full control of their funds.
Geoma DAO also gives rise for the development of different beneficial decentralized projects which will greatly improve the world and make users financially free.


Geoma uses the GMD token as its native currency.

The GMD token is an ERC-20 utility token that gives users the right to make proposals and vote on projects in the system.

It is a very vital aspect of the Geoma platform and helps for the running of the platform.




Geoma DAO removes all forms of restrictions placed by centralization, and gives the users the opportunity to be part of something great, the Blockchain revolution.

For the first time, members of the system get to take part in the governance of the system, all of this is made possible by Geoma DAO, and is a complete contrast of the different cryptocurrency systems.

Geoma is moving Decentralized finance to its uttermost height and in no time, will position the world for greatness.







Author’s Details

Author: depedro
Bitcointalk Username: Excell110
Bitcointalk Profile Link:;u=2685906
Eth wallet address: 0xC57F9d5e964Ad4fA56ad44f52C1A693F2De04895