Australia School Journal

G’Day mate! I come from the land down under. I am half French, half Australian and I have travelled to many different places throughout my life. Coming to Lycee Albert Einstein, I have discovered several differences between the French and Australian schooling system. For one, school days in France can last a while. In France, it isn’t out of the question to have days that last from 8:00 to 18:00, with an hour or two for lunch. However, in Australia, we have school days that start every day at 8:45 and that end every day at 2:45, with only one hour for lunch. Lunch is also different in Australia, because we bring our own food to school instead of eating in a cafeteria. However, I prefer the lunches in France, as eating hot food for lunch is pretty good. There are a few more differences, such as the fact that we have uniforms that we have to wear all the time. Anyway, here is some more info on Australia and its culture.

Australia is a country located between the Pacific and Indian oceans. It is one of the biggest countries on Earth. In fact, it is the only country to also be a continent! However, nearly the entire landmass is desert, called “The Outback.” Due to this, nearly everyone lives with 20 km of the beach, where the climate is a bit more hospitable.

Australia is also home to the world’s largest coral reef, the Great Barrier Reef. It stretches for over 2,300 km along the north-east coast Australia. It is a UNESCO World Heritage Site and a natural wonder that attracts millions of tourists every year

Moreover, Australia is a country with a rich and diverse culture. More than 25% of Australians were born overseas, and many more have parents or grandparents that come from abroad. However, Australia is also home of the oldest living culture, the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples who have been living on the continent for over 50,000 years. There are many different Aboriginal tribes, each with their own culture, language and traditions. Interestingly, they used to transmit all their history and knowledge to younger generations orally, since they had no writing system. The Aboriginals and Torres Strait Islander people are an important part of the Australian culture.

A wide range of exotic animals also inhabit Australia. Animals not found anywhere on Earth such as kangaroos, koalas, platypuses and wombats. There are 1,500 species of spider and many different species of snake, sharks, crocodiles, jellyfish, and insect. Many of these animals are also dangerous, such as the box jellyfish, the saltwater crocodile, and the inland taipan, the most venomous snake in the world.

Moreover, Australia is a land of innovation and invention. Some of the things that were invented or developed in Australia include the black box flight recorder, the bionic ear, the electric drill, the refrigerator, the ultrasound scanner, the pacemaker, the Wi-Fi, and, (most importantly) Vegemite. Australia is also a leader in sports and entertainment, producing many famous athletes, actors, musicians, and artists.

Miro Maitre – 2nde1 – 16/11/2023

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