Symposium & Exhibit dedicated to French-Serbian scientific contributions

May 27, 2024

Faculty of Pharmacy of Paris – 4 avenue de l’Observatoire 75006 Paris

Symposium: Scientific alliance without borders 16:00 La Salle des Actes

Nemanja Djordjevic, exhibition organizer, member of the SHP: Opening speech

Bruno Bonnemain, President of the SHP, Honorary president of the National Academy of Pharmacy:

The National Academy of Pharmacy: an exchange of pharmaceutical knowledge without borders

Aleksandar Protic, CAO Ecole Polytechnique Executive Master; Vice-president Europe, UNESCO Clubs:

Major French-Serbian scientific contributions

Olivier Lafont, Professor, Honorary president of the SHP; President emeritus of the International Society for the History of Pharmacy, member of the National Academy of Pharmacy and the International Academy of History of Pharmacy:

About the Lavoisier medal awarded to two Serbian students

Jean-Claude Tabet, Professor emeritus at Pierre and Marie Curie University and Natali Stojiljkovic, Senior Laboratoires Leader, L’Oréal:

Analytical chemistry – the universal language

Exhibition: Serbian scientists – French students ( May 27th to June 7th 2024)

Inauguration of the exhibition on May 27, 2024 at 18:00 – Dean’s gallery :

Jean Louis Beaudeux, Dean of the Faculty of Pharmacy of Paris; President of the National Academy of Pharmacy

Pavle Zelic, Master of pharmacy and diplomat, writer and screenwriter ; Expert of the World Health Organization, the Council of Europe and the EU Hubert Humphrey Fellow 2021/22 ; Manager for international cooperation, European Integrations and communications at the Medicines and Medical Devices Agency of Serbia, Government of the Republic of Serbia

The event is limited to only 90 attendees.

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