Salon du livre 2014

Salon du livre (the book fair)

In october, just before hollydays, we went to the event :the book fair  (Salon du livre ).We met a lot of illustators and autors.

It’s was possible buying some books
The place wasn’t so tall but there were a lot of stands.
The intry was free but we had to reserve to meet the authors in private.
We met Pénélope Bagieu, she’s a famous illustrator. She has written many books(comics strips) and she has produced a film « Josephine ».
There were stands to eat, and it was possible bringing picnic.
We spent a nice day <3.AVT_Penelope-Bagieu_4896

This’s Pénélope Bagieu.

Her productions :9782756026725


le-chat-de-la-blogueuse_9-halfby Pablo