In Creative Battle


Author : Mark Ulriksen  Date : Jan 15 2018  Title : In Creative Battle (cf I Have a Dream ” we must not allow our creative protest to degenerate into physical violence”)

Genre : portrait

Question : freedom of speech vs bigotry / To take a knee to take a stand/ What does the presence of MLK between two football players mean in 2018 ?

1 Describe the picture : position (look at the photos below), people (Michael Bennett, Martin Luther King Jr, Colin Kaepernick), outfits (football, dark suit), context (stadium, during the national anthem)

What are they doing ?

2  Martin Luther King – his job, fight, ideals, influences

3 Context : police violence, Black Lives Matter, athletes, prayers, patriotism, controversy, Donald Trump

Conclusion : Explain the title. Tell about the situation for Black people nowadays (after Joe Biden’s election) or before, when Donald Trump was President.

Listen to Guillaume speaking about the picture

  click here for the real cover


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