Sherlock Holmes

The most popular detective in the world, and a very clever man, Sherlock Homes and his friend doctor Watson were invented by Arthur Conan Doyle.


This team sport was invented at Rugby school because a boy took the ball in his arms. It is now an international sport.

The bobby

They no longer exist, because their uniform is different (the hat is different now). The police force was created by Sir Robert Peel (Bobby is shorter for Robert). Those civil servants have a mission : to protect people from criminals. Crime decreased a lot in the 19th century, when they were created.

The pub

It is called the public house (i.e. the pub), or the local, it is situated in towns, or in the countryside. People go there for a pint of beer, to meet friends, to play darts or snooker.


The oak tree

It is the national tree of England. It is a symbol of endurance, power and strength.

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