Rosie the Riveter by Norman Rockwell

Title : Rosie the Riveter   Author : Norman Rockwell   Nature of the document : magazine cover, painting   Date : 1943

Question : What did this picture mean for women in World War II ?

Description : In the background, the American flag,

Under her feet, Mein Kampf Hitler’s book

On her lap, a huge tool

On her chest, badges of merit and victory

A picture inspired by : Michelangelo’s prophet Isaiah

What is she wearing ? Is she doing anything ? What is the look on her face ?

Analysis :

The meaning of the flag…Crushing Hitler’s book….

The role of women in World War II

Conclusion : what did the picture mean for men and women in World War II ?


Movie extracts about war

1984, after a novel by George Orwell. Ask me for the corresponding extract of the novel.

Full Metal Jacket by Stanley Kubrick

Apocalypse Now by F.F. Coppola

Letters from Iwo Jima by Clint Eastwood

Allo Allo, a British series about France during World War II

The Monty Python 

The Wall, by Pink Floyd, a film after their album.

Hair, by Milos Forman

The Dictator, by Charlie Chaplin

Blitz Wolf, a cartoon by Tex Avery

Stop that Tank ! , a cartoon by Disney


Anti-war songs :

Imagine by John Lennon

Bring Em Home by Pete Seger

This Land is Your Land by Woodie Guthrie

Draft Dodger Rag by Phil Ochs

Give Peace a Chance by John Lennon

People Have the Power by Patti Smith

Lyndon Johnson Told the Nation by Tom Paxton

War by Edwinn Starr

I ain’t Marching Anymore by Phil Ochs

With God on our Side by Bob Dylan  look here for context and documents.

Army Dreamer by Kate Bush

Sunday Bloody Sunday by U2

No Man’s Land by Eric Bogle

Buffalo Soldier by Bob Marley

Spanish Bombs by the Clash

Goodbye Blue Sky by the Pink Floyd

Belfast Child by the Simple Minds

Russians by Sting

American Idiot by Greenday

Baghdad by the Offspring

Where is the Love by the Black Eyed Peas

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