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Lamb to the slaughter

Some explanation about the story Lamb to the Slaughter, written by Roald Dahl and directed by Alfred Hitchcock (1958) A version, by John Davies (1979)

Catégories: books, films | Tags: , | Laisser un commentaire

Romeo and Juliet

LLCE Some links and videos to get an idea of the story of Romeo and Juliet A summary of the play :   Another video, but this one is longer…

Catégories: books, drama, Meetings | Tags: | Laisser un commentaire

ITW : the bus scene

Catégories: books, films, Voyages | Laisser un commentaire

ITW : the bar scene

The bar scene in Into the Wild

Catégories: books, films, Voyages | Tags: | Laisser un commentaire

ITW : the restaurant scene

The restaurant scene in Into the Wild

Catégories: books, films, Voyages | Tags: | Laisser un commentaire

Reading Of Mice and Men

LLCE A nice way to read the book – listening to the reading of the novella. With a short introduction.     And for those who have lost the book… (other chapters on youtube)

Catégories: books, Meetings, united states | Tags: | Laisser un commentaire

The Tell-Tale Heart

LLCE The Tell-Tale Heart, by Edgar Allan Poe (1843)

Catégories: books, Imaginary worlds | Tags: , | Laisser un commentaire

The Fall of the House of Usher

LLCE The Fall of the House of Usher, by Edgar Allan Poe Another version read by Christopher Lee himself (mostly famous for playing Count Dracula on the screen)! But some sentences from the original text are missing.

Catégories: books, Imaginary worlds | Laisser un commentaire

Of Mice and Men : quizzes

LLCER Quizzes on Of Mice and Men from sparknotes   Full book   Sections   Characters   Themes and symbols

Catégories: books, Meetings | Laisser un commentaire

The Handmaid’s Tale

LLCE The website imdb : The trailer of the series Handmaids throughout the world

Catégories: books, films, Imaginary worlds, social issues | Tags: | Laisser un commentaire