The most major law which was passed with Franklin Roosevelt’s support in 1933 to deal with the financial catastrophe which Roosevelt had inherited was called Glass/Steagall after the two United States Senators who sponsored it. That law created a wall of legal separation between commercial banks and investment banks, basically telling the investment bankers to keep their grubby hands off of the money which runs the nation’s physical economy.

The law went so far as to prevent any person from serving on the Board of Directors of both an investment and a commercial bank. Again, the investment bankers were thus prevented from using the money which runs the country’s physical economy as collateral for what amounts to gambling games. The law worked for a bit more than six decades prior to being essentially repealed (defanged) in 1999. Both Newt Gingrich and Bill Clinton have referred to the repeal of that law as the worst political mistake either of them ever made.

Many view the repeal of the law as being the most major factor involved in the Wall Street crash of 2008. You would normally tend to think that Fannie/Freddie and Democrat efforts to make home-ownership into some kind of a civil right caused the meltdown but the greater reality is that without the repeal of Glass-Steagall, the whole thing would not have been possible.

I tell people that the biggest political issues in the world are issues involving money and the nature of money…

You read about Jeffrey Epstein And that “Lolita” island of his in the Caribbean, and the question you ask is, could all or more than half or 90% of our elected senators and representatives be a bunch of pedo/pervos??

To me the answer to that lies largely in two horrific bills passed in the first half of 2017 which I viewed as messages to DT from the deep state/bankers/globalists or whatever you want to call them, and the stark message read more or less:

“Listen up, FOOL, we control Washington D.C., YOU DON’T!!!!!”

Those two bills were Cromnibus and that horrific sanctions bill of 2017 which was passed almost unanimously. Taken together, those two bills convinced me that our congress was very heavily compromised.

Has anything changed since then. I believe it has. DT has a mission and is capable of learning how to play any kind of game he has to play in order to achieve that mission and stay alive while doing so. I believe he now has at least as much shit on all of those losers, as anybody else does.

And they don’t have anything on him at all, if they did we’d have seen it.

The sanctions bill I refer to, for no rational reason, imposed sanctions against Russia which were more severe than the sanctions against Japan which brought about the Pacific war in 1941. Pres. Trump called it “deeply flawed” but signed it since it had passed with all but a handful of dissenting votes in both houses and all he could have achieved by vetoing it would have been to make himself look like an idiot:

And then there was the question of “Cromnibus”:

In 2017 there was a law we needed (Glass/Steagal) and a law we got (Cromnibus) which were polar opposites of each other.

Cromnibus parked some 30T in oil derivatives in FDIC which is insane. FDIC can’t even protect us, much less 30 Trillion in oil derivatives.

I asked some of my LaRouche friends in Houston wtf was going on… In other words, wtf could Dimon and his flunky Obunga possibly be hoping to accomplish? They replied that the bankers simply hoped to tell their customers that those derivatives were totally copacetic, being backed by FDIC. I.E. they view their best customers as total idiots.