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The Big Challenge: results 2013


Here are the results for 2013:

Results Big Challenge 2013

Congratulations to:

  • MAGOURA Amel, 6°
  • DGUICHI Hana, 5°4.
  • MOUANDA Corelia, 4°.
  • MANDIN Sébastien, 3°3.

Vous recevrez les lots dans le courant du mois.


posted by Ms Calard in Fun! and have Comments (2)


  1. Commentaire by Soler Anelyse on 13 juin 2013 at 8 h 28 min

    Hello Mrs Calard there is only the name of the winner on the first page but not the other people
    Where is it please?
    Thank you have a nice day 🙂

  2. Commentaire by Ms Calard on 13 juin 2013 at 10 h 27 min

    Hello Anelyse! I hope your school year went well!

    To see the results, you just have to click on « Results Big Challenge 2013 ».

    See you!
    Ms Calard

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