Anti-war songs :

Imagine by John Lennon

Bring Em Home by Pete Seger

This Land is Your Land by Woodie Guthrie

Draft Dodger Rag by Phil Ochs

Give Peace a Chance by John Lennon

People Have the Power by Patti Smith

Lyndon Johnson Told the Nation by Tom Paxton

War by Edwinn Starr

I ain’t Marching Anymore by Phil Ochs

With God on our Side by Bob Dylan  look here for context and documents.

Army Dreamer by Kate Bush

Sunday Bloody Sunday by U2

No Man’s Land by Eric Bogle

Buffalo Soldier by Bob Marley

Spanish Bombs by the Clash

Goodbye Blue Sky by the Pink Floyd

Belfast Child by the Simple Minds

Russians by Sting

American Idiot by Greenday

Baghdad by the Offspring

Where is the Love by the Black Eyed Peas


Duane Hanson (January 17, 1925–January 6, 1996)

Born in Minnesota. Master of Fine Arts degree from the Cranbrook Academy of Art in Bloomfield Hills in 1951.

 Sculptor known for his lifecast realistic works of people, cast in various materials, including polyesterresin,fiberglass and bronze. Work  often associated with the Pop Art movement, and hyperrealism.

Visit the Saatchi gallery website.


14 March, 1923, New York/26 July 1971

She studied photography in New School in New York with Marvin Israel and Richard Avedon and met Lisette Model. She worked in New York City,  photographing strangers in the street. She was interested in showing diversity and people who were considered “different”.

Check out Diane Arbus’s photos here.

Nelson Mandela / South Africa

Listen to Invictus.

Watch Johnny Cleg, a white South African man learning to dance a Zulu traditional dance.

Read Nelson Mandela’s autobiography.

Look at the Audio slideshow about the long walk to freedom.

Watch the Goodbye Bafana trailer.

See the following sites about Apartheid :  (click on Apartheid : a crime against humanity)

See some South African crafts. Here., and some architecture, right here.

September 9/11

Check out this website to read the archives on that day.

Read about Saint Paul’s Chapel, the nearest Church to Ground Zero, and look at the photos by clicking on the artifact archive on the page.

Look at the New York Police Department site and see the photos.

See the firefighters’ memorial on the internet.

You can read :

Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close by J.S. Foer and The Good Life, by J. McInnerney. They have been translated into French !

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