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Richard Nixon, president of the USA, decides to give the big kick to gold.

The dollar, the world’s dominant currency, is definitively separated from the metal, thus becoming a FIAT currency.

The fiduciary nightmare began.

All countries needed dollars. The US, hegemonic power, made the rules to their liking and convenience, so that all countries should be subordinated to the dollar.

And FIAT money.

Then the lack of control would begin. The reign of chaos and anything goes thanks to the issuance of currency. After the crisis of the 70s, capital was hungry for yields. With unleashed money, all you had to do was untie the regulation and we would have the perfect combination for a new wave of profits.

The problem is how they were achieved.

Thatcher and Reagan praised the market. They sang against the regulations, and applauded every move by banking and corporate power. After the barriers were broken, the financialization of the economy started.

A huge transfer of wealth from the productive to the financial sectors.

The derivatives, previously marginalized and unknown, climbed from anonymity to quadrillions; banking, joined the party of anything goes with junk loans and securitizations in full color.

It was the glow of a bubble.

Years passed, and the networks of money joined those of power. The political-financial complex was born, a spider web of strong resistance impossible to tear.

Soon he would conquer levels of power that mortals would find difficult to imagine.

After those powders, today we live the muds of monetization, debt and bubbles everywhere. We are heading straight for the outbreak of currencies, for the reconfiguration of powers in a world that is going to change its face.

What awaits us in the future? Central banks have bought gold. Much gold. Maybe the famous reset? The system restart? Can be. What is clear is that the truth is going to play the game again.

The times of falsifying the economy and kicking the can are over. The time is back when work and talent produce wealth, not accounting tricks or financial engineering.