Juin 18 2013


In The Pink Panther Strikes Again, meet Inspector Clouseau, a French police inspector

Now seriously mentally ill after working with Clouseau for such a long time, Inspector Dreyfus escapes from a mental asylum and vows to destroy Clouseau forever. He kidnaps an eminent scientist and forces him to build a machine capable of destroying the world, unless Clouseau is delivered to him. 

Inspector Clouseau investigates after the scientist’s kidnapping and he interrogates suspects at his place (= his home).  

(mauvaise qualité mais scène entière)



Sherlock Holmes is back in a series of films in 2009 with Robert Downey Jr as the hero. Look at the trailer HERE.


Sherlock Holmes in the fight scene from the 2009 film HERE.


Meet Hercule Poirot, Agatha Christie’s hero, who often refers to himself in the third person HERE.


Now watch the trailer of Murder on the Orient Express, with Hercule Poirot again, ‘probably the greatest detective in the world’ in Kenneth Brannagh’s version HERE

Poirot will be back in 2022 with Death on the Nile HERE.


Finally, let’s have a peek at the 2015 version of Agatha Christie’s most famous novel And Then There Were None HERE.


adaptation as a game – Chapter one part one HERE and part two THERE.