Nov 3 2019

CE – LETTERS FROM KIDS TO MI5 (the British Secret Service)

Kids dream of becoming spies so they write to the British Secret Service to Read this article from The Sun (a newspaper) HERE.

Choisis au moins une lettre et dis en français ce que tu as compris dans ton petit cahier d’entraînement. 

Here are some examples.



I’m writing to you with a request to become a Spy for the British government when I’m older.

I love watching spy films including Spy Kids, James Bond, as well as Johnny English. I have learned lots of spy strategies such as being mindful, sneaky and decisive in a dangerous situation.

I love learning and most people in my class say I’m very secretive.

I am the sportiest boy in my whole school. I play cricket, hockey, football and tennis and used to play handball and perform gymnastics.

I will be fit, fast and strong. I love parkour, which means I will be outstanding at getting in and out of places as fast as a tiny squirrel.

Finally, I have experience of driving go-karts and handling an air rifle at my Scout troop, where I have also learned to read maps, survival in the wild and lighting fires.

Spy experts say that these skills are very useful for MI5 so I am sure you will agree I won’t let you down.

I hope that I have shown my talents to you.



HELLO. My name is xxx I am 11 years old and I come from Banknock in Scotland.

I am starting high school this year, and in the future I would really like to be an agent for MI5.

I just thought I would write to you because I have a few questions.

What type of job could I get if I wanted to be on the field?

I want to save lives in person and I would like to catch the bad guys.

Which degree could I get and which classes should I take in high school to get that degree?

I would really appreciate it if you wrote back to me and I thank everyone for keeping me safe.



I am sending you this letter because I would like to work for you when I am 18, now I am only ten. I think this is a good idea for I am quick, agile, quiet, I have an excellent memory, I am very good at keeping secrets and staying hidden.

I have a sharp vision, some say, and I am quite sly. In addition, I’ve always wanted to be a spy because it is all about action, you have access to different gadgets, you know lots of people and you get to know possibly all of the jobs of the people in London.

I am a British citizen, which means I can work with the MI5, my parents approve my decision.

My parents and I promise we will keep my job a secret. I hope I will hear from you soon.



I am writing to ask you to interview me for a job when I am 19.

I heard on the radio that you are recruiting more agents, I am nine at the moment so I have ten years to prepare.

I am going to join the cadets and practice stealing chocolate from my big brother. So I think I will have plenty of experience.

Do you have any other suggestions for what I can do to prepare for my interview?




Nov 3 2019


Listen to this funny song about Dean and Pearl, two secret agents HERE. Don’t forget to play the game. 



Nov 3 2019


Learn how to pronounce ‘sh’, ‘ch’, ‘th’ and ‘ng’ with the space spies, Sam and Pam HERE.

Nov 3 2019


Meet Britton, a young boy invited on Ellen De Generes’s show to talk about Bond when he was 7 HERE

Answer the questions in your small training book IN FRENCH. Don’t copy the questions.

1. De quelle nationalité est Britton?

2. Quel âge avait-il quand il a vu son premier film de James Bond ?


Here he is, a year later. Ellen allowed him to meet Daniel Craig HERE.

You may try this quiz  HERE.

You can also watch this cartoon about Spycat and the villain, Ratty HERE. After don’t forget to play the game.

Here is another adventure of Spycat. Watch the cartoon and play the game. 

Nov 3 2019



Juil 11 2018


A board game to practice numbers 10 to 100 HERE.

C’est un jeu de l’oie. Lance le dé, écoute et choisis le nombre parmi des propositions écrites en toutes lettres. 

A funny game HERE. 

Il s’agit d’écouter les nombres et de les lire puis le plus vite possible, il faut placer le monstre au bon endroit pour le mettre à l’abri!

Which number is…?

Ecoute et clique sur le nombre que tu viens d’entendre ICI.

Après tu écoutes une chanson et tu cherches les dates. 

Août 23 2017


Play Hangman HERE!

Joue au pendu. Fais l’addition proposée et écris le nombre en toutes lettres. 


Comprendre un numéro de téléphone HERE! 

Le mot croisé ne fonctionne plus mais fais l’exercice en dessous. Clique sur ‘Start now’. Tu entends des numéros de téléphone et tu dois choisir le bon dans la liste proposée. Clique sur ‘play audio’, écoute et choisis le bon numéro de téléphone. Il y en a 12.

Août 23 2017


5 pages pour jouer et apprendre ICI. Ne fais que les 3 premières pages et reviens ensuite vers le blog.


Des Learning Apps…

Tu dois associer drapeaux et nationalités ICI.

Tu dois associer drapeaux et pays ICI.

Tu dois écouter, répéter les phrases qui disent dans quel pays on habite et trouver le drapeau correspondant ICI.


The English speaking countries HERE. C’est une vidéo Youtube pour repérer les pays qui parlent anglais.


Sur le site compagnon Rise and Shine ICI, rentre le code 3T4 pour faire une activité de mémorisation très utile.


Pour aller plus loin, dans cette activité, tu dois écrire correctement les nationalités et les pays en déplaçant les lettres proposées.  


Tu peux aussi t’entraîner en chantant ‘Where are you from?’ ICI.


Août 23 2017


Who is James Bond? Krystyna answers the question HERE.


Learn how to be James Bond in 7 steps HERE !

Can you write the 7 steps in French in your small training book?


Now you can watch the trailer of the latest Bond film, No Time to Die, to be released soon HERE.



Jan 31 2017


A télécharger sur votre ordinateur (fichier Open Office) pour voyager et réviser la carte du Royaume Uni.

Geography UK