Watch this video to learn what a career as a forensic science tech is really like. It provides an overview of the day to day working life of a forensic scientist.  How much do you understand? Take notes of the key words in English and make a summary in French.


Découvre ce métier. Comment traduirais-tu ‘forensic’? Prends les mots clefs en note et fais un résumé de ce que tu as compris en français.




Listen to Mia talk about the forensic scientists. How much do you understand? The first minute only is necessary. The rest is a bit complex. Take notes of the key words in English and make a summary in French.


Tu regardes la vidéo (jusqu’à 1’09) et tu notes les mots clefs. Ensuite, fais un résumé de ce que tu as compris en français.


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