Nov 10 2016



– When I was about 12 years old, I went to a summer camp with my best friend, Becca. While we were riding to camp on the bus, we saw an old abandoned house off the road. Another kid on the bus said the house was haunted. That was enough for Becca. She set her mind on going to see for herself. I really didn’t want to go, but I also couldn’t let Becca go by herself. What if she got lost or hurt? So, when she woke me up in the middle of the night, I agreed to go with her.

When the night fell, we started walking to the ‘haunted house’. We had to go through a wood but suddenly, we heard a muffled scream. It was so close that we ran as fast as we could until we saw an opened door in the haunted house. We came in. As soon as we were inside, the door slammed. So we tried to turn the lights on but there wasn’t any power. Becca took a candle and a match out of her pocket. She lighted it on. Then we started to visit the building. We saw the stairs. We decided to climb them up. But as soon as we were upstairs a freezing breeze put the candle out. Then we heard a whisper say ‘Now let’s play’. A man appeared from nowhere and strangled Becca ! I was so scared that I ran away and fell down in the stairs and died ! That’s how this adventure finished. 

– But if you’re dead, how can you be here telling me the story ?!!!! Are you a ghost ?!!!!!

By Roxanne and Eléonore



Ruth’s face got bitten by a spider. The spider was very big and very hairy. The beast bit the girl during the night. When she woke up she saw herself in the mirror and she saw a huge red spot. It hurt and it was getting worse after a few days. One night, she woke up and she saw the huge red spot had disappeared. She was very happy.

A few days later, she saw a lot of hairs all over her body ! She was really scared ! She realised she was turning into a spider ! She wasn’t a pupil at Hogwarts anymore !… She decided to run away into the Forbidden Forest where she was known as Aragog.

By Morgane and Lexine