Avr 24 2019


1. Is Edward human or not? Give elements that make him look like a robot: 

  • his costume
  • he doesn’t grow old


2. Remember the colours. What can you say about the little suburb and the castle?


3. References to famous myths.

Do you know Frankenstein?

It also makes us think of fairy tales like Beauty and the Beast. Look at Jean Cocteau’s version (1946). 

What are the differences in the love stories? At the beginning of both stories, the girl is afraid and then she finally falls in love with the Beast or the monster. But in Beauty and the Beast, there is a happy end because the Beast is turned into a prince and they can get married.

On the contrary, Edward can’t love Kim and they don’t finish their lives together. They are separated. Edward finishes his life lonely. Love is impossible!


4. The story is a long flashback.

Once upon a time, a great inventor…


Finally, that’s why it is snowing sometimes in California!  


Ressources HERE… and THERE.

Tim Burton en 5mn ICI.

Encore ICI.