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London 2012 Olympic Games


Here is an article to follow the 2012 summer games!


The official website

The schedule (events and dates)

Medal Count, medal winners




 London in NUMBERS






  • You can also watch the Inuit Olympics, very impressive! (Ear Pull Contest: Le but du jeu étant de réussir à décrocher la ficelle fixée sur l’oreille de son adversaire. C’est celui qui tire le plus fort qui remporte cette épreuve ! )


 Olympic History Interactive (usa today)


  • Time for kids (Timeforkids.com)
  • The Guardian: Pollution in London (smog: definition / translation)
  • CNN: The weather and the games. (the W-Factor)
  • The London Underground Map has been redesigned for the Olympics, with each of the 361 stations named after an Olympic hero! (Cassius Clay, Jeannie Longo, Michael Phelps…)
Cliquer sur l’image pour l’agrandir.
  •  Cartoon from the Independant on Sunday (some 3,500 British troops are being called in to help fill the gap in security )


Virtual Tour of the Olympic Park  (the Guardian)

Wenlock and Mandeville, the mascots. (dailymail.co.uk)

PLAY with the mascots!


Official SONGS:

  • Muse, Survival  (YouTube) + Lyrics (lyricspremiere.com)
  • Heather Small, Proud + Lyrics (sing365.com)







  • Olympic verbs (word search puzzle) and other games (esolcourses.com)
  • Omar’s games
  • London Olympics quiz
  • Who is the guy in the pool window????? ❓ (mettez vos réponses dans les commentaires et je vous dirai si vous avez gagné!)


50 olympic athletes to watch (olympics.time.com)

Splash! Poor Stephan Feck (German diver, Aug, 8th)…


Street Art:

« 100m Dash » (« 100 mètres haies »), by Criminal Chalklist, in Bristol

« Olympic rings », by The Toaster Crew,


« Javelin missile » (« Missile javelot »), by Banksy, the most famous.

« Olympian Street Art », by Andy Mercer


« Olympic pigeon », by Ronzo


posted by Ms Calard in 3èmes- Year 10,England,Fun!,News and have No Comments

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