Sep 15 2020


STEP ONE : James Bond’s world

Let’s brainstorm! Do you know anything about…

  • the characters (the good guys and the villains)
  • the places
  • the intelligence service
  • Bond’s equipment (weapons and gadgets).


STEP TWO : Listen to an interview HERE (part 1)

What do you understand about Ian Fleming’s occupations: during the war, after the war.

Was he a spy himself?

Dis en français ce que tu as compris, comment Fleming a trouvé l’idée du personnage. 


Listen to part 2. 

What do you understand about the films?

According to the expert, why are the James Bond films so successful? Do you enjoy them? Look at this article on the blog to learn more about who James Bond is HERE.


STEP THREE : the men who have played James Bond in the films. 

Watch trailers and get ready to report :

  • name the actor who plays Bond
  • say who the bad guys are
  • say where the action takes place
  • try to make a summary of the plot if you can
  • mention a few stunts and gadgets

Compare and contrast these James Bonds and say which one(s) you prefer, and why. Use comparatives (more, as… as…, too+adj, not+adj+enough…).


ROGER MOORE in A View to a Kill here.


TIMOTHY DALTON in Licence to Kill HERE.


PIERCE BROSNAN in Tomorrow Never Dies here.


DANIEL CRAIG in No Time to Die here


STEP FOUR : Choose the next James Bond.

  • Select the actor you would like to see play Bond in the next film. You will have to explain the reasons for your choice.
  • Two pairs of pupils stand in front of the class and debate! 

Sep 15 2020


Qu’est-ce-qu’une entreprise à mission?

La réponse ICI.