Where is Bryan?

Un blog pour apprendre l'anglais en s'amusant!

Archive for the '4èmes- Year 9' Category

This week’s word is…


  • In this rubric you will learn a new word every week

and increase your vocabulary!

  • There will be a definition and two exercices

to check if you understood the word.


            Click below and ENJOY!!! 

             This week’s word is FRIENDSHIP. 


posted by amine4eme4 in 4èmes- Year 9,Vocabulary and have Comment (1)

Questions in the past tense. (preterit)

Wh-words p3 and Questions in the past simple p15.


  • Exercises: Number 1 and Number 2.


  • Number 3 (http://www.perfect-english-grammar.com)


posted by Ms Calard in 4èmes- Year 9,5èmes-Year 8,Grammar and have No Comments

Prononciation de -ed


Activités en ligne:

posted by Ms Calard in 4èmes- Year 9,5èmes-Year 8,Help !!! and have No Comments

Agir contre le harcèlement à l’école

  • Qu’est-ce que le harcèlement, comment le reconnaître?

Que faire en cas de harcèlement?

Que faire si vous en êtes témoin?

Les réponses à ces questions sur http://www.nonauharcelement.education.gouv.fr/, le site internet dédié à ce sujet du ministère.

Vous y trouverez également des clips de la campagne médiatique nationale ainsi que des numéros de téléphone utiles, mais aussi des informations, des conseils, des paroles d’expert…

Cette campagne est axée sur 3 objectifs principaux: sensibliser, mobiliser et agir.

Numéro vert (Stop Harcèlement: 30 20) Gratuit depuis les fixes et portables.



posted by Ms Calard in 3èmes- Year 10,4èmes- Year 9,5èmes-Year 8,Help !!!,Parents,Santé / Bien-être / Sécurité and have No Comments

Let’s have some fun this summer!

A dog is trying to beat the TEXAS heat after his owners emptied their cooler in the driveway.
– Temperature : 108.9° Farenheit = 42.7° Celsius


  • Five Fun Summer Fitness Activities: Watch the video, learn the words, speak and do the quiz (vocabulary)


  • Making travel arrangements
  • Travel and Holidays : vocabulary quiz (niveau 5ème)



  • All by Himself at Las Vegas Airport: A 43-year-old guy from Atlanta was stuck at Las Vegas Airport and decided to create a video with his smart phone. Here is the video: (All by myself = Alone) The song is by Céline Dion, who replied by giving him free tickets for one of her shows.

You can read more about this on L.A Times (June 13, 2014)



posted by Ms Calard in 3èmes- Year 10,4èmes- Year 9,5èmes-Year 8,Fun!,Vocabulary and have Comment (1)

Used to


  • Two songs to work on « Used to ». – « Watch the videos and fill-in the blanks. »
    – The Cranberries :Just my imagination
    – Madonna : This used to be my playground

    Activities created by Renée Maufroid (Ac. Lille) 
  • Gotye:

  Click on the picture to hear the song and read the lyrics.

Click here to complete the lyrics. (Choose Beginner)


posted by Ms Calard in 4èmes- Year 9,Grammar and have No Comments

Le présent simple et les adverbes de fréquence

La Troisième Personne du Singulier




  • Adverbes de fréquence

Do your best: revise the adverbs.


Chores and Frequency Adverbs  (Chores p2-9  / Adverbs p10-12)

Mind map frequency-adverbs

chart of adverbs


  • Jokes (http://www.esljokes.net)

Healthy livingillustration

Lucy Williams worked in an office near the city centre . She usually went for a walk in the park during her lunch hour. Nearly every day she saw a very old man who was always in the park on the same bench. He had white hair and a long white beard and a very contented expression. She sometimes nodded to him or said hello and he always smiled back very happily. One day, she decided to stop and speak to him.
‘Excuse me,’ said Lucy, ‘I often see you here. You always seem very cheerful and you’re never sick! What’s your secret for a long and happy life?’
‘My secret?’ asked the old man, smiling at her ‘I don’t have a secret.’
‘But how often do you take exercise?’ asked Lucy.
‘I never take any exercise, young lady.’
‘What about your diet? How often do you eat fresh fruit and vegetables?’
‘I hardly ever eat vegetables.’ he replied, still smiling,  ‘And I smoke almost all the time.’
‘That’s amazing!’ said Lucy. ‘How old are you?’
‘Thirty five,’ he replied.


posted by Ms Calard in 3èmes- Year 10,4èmes- Year 9,5èmes-Year 8,Grammar,Help !!! and have Comments (6)

Irregular verbs

Dear students,
Here are some websites to help you with the verbs.
Good luck!
Mrs Calard
  • POWERPOINT (Adapté par Mrs Savourat /Inspiré du travail d’Anne Pinel / La plupart des transcriptions de Sophie Morin / Les sons viennent du site d’Yvan Baptiste)


  • GAMES:

Fernando: Game 1

Jeopardy Quiz Game (on peut jouer à plusieurs!)

Spelling activity

Funny game (Mrs Haquet)
Pour vous créer des tests, cliquez ici. Cochez les verbes que vous devez connaitre, puis cliquez sur niveau 3.
Verb Ace (The Big Challenge)
Listes, diaporamas et exercices. (Mme Savourat)
Une idée de fiche à fabriquer vous même.

Des exercices à trous sur les principaux verbes irréguliers vus au collège . Très pratiques, ils sont classés par ordre alphabétique et ressemblent à mes évaluations. A faire sans modération! (CathyDavies’ Tips in English)


  • SONGS (pour apprendre en s’amusant !)

posted by Ms Calard in 4èmes- Year 9,5èmes-Year 8,Grammar,Help !!! and have Comments (7)

Votez pour nous

J’aimerais être délégué pour vous représenté lors des conseils de classe .

Je serais à votre écoute en cas de problème.

Et je serais votre porte parole envers les professeurs.

Je serais toujours là aux conseils de classe et je vous tiendrez au courant de ce qu’il s’y diras.

Votez pour nous !

Zoé et Marie.

posted by zoeetmarie in 4èmes- Year 9 and have Comment (1)

Classroom English


Here are some activities to revise your Classroom English:


Comprendre les consignes en anglais + un jeu amusant + une appli. 

Formules de Politesse

Pour revoir le vocabulaire de la classe.


Have fun!

Mrs Calard


posted by Ms Calard in 3èmes- Year 10,4èmes- Year 9,5èmes-Year 8,Help !!! and have No Comments

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