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Un blog pour apprendre l'anglais en s'amusant!

Archive for the '5èmes-Year 8' Category

Vocabulary: Transport


  • Matching exercise
  • Learning with pictures

  • Bali plane crash (the Guardian) 13/04/13 (photo AP) and watch a video by clicking on the picture.

The Lion Air Boeing 737 broken on rocks in shallow water off Bali


  • A unique airport in Barra, Scotland, where planes land on the beach!


posted by Ms Calard in 5èmes-Year 8,Vocabulary and have No Comments

Our American friends on epals.com!


This year, the 5°3 class corresponds with an American class in Knoxville, Tennessee,  through a website called epals.com

Our new friends are in fifth grade (equivalent of CM2) and they are great epals! Their teacher, Mr Haney, has won a contest and a $25,000 grant to buy computers, laptops and many other tech gadgets… They are so lucky!

Extreme Classroom Makeover

They also have a class blog, where we can post comments. It’s fun!

On Tuesday, April 7th, we Skyped with our American ePals. We saw our friends and asked them questions! It was a lot of fun!!!

Here are some photos:

Skype Théo


Meeting Juliette's epal.

Meeting Juliette’s epal.





posted by Ms Calard in 5èmes-Year 8 and have Comments (3)

Le présent simple et les adverbes de fréquence

La Troisième Personne du Singulier




  • Adverbes de fréquence

Do your best: revise the adverbs.


Chores and Frequency Adverbs  (Chores p2-9  / Adverbs p10-12)

Mind map frequency-adverbs

chart of adverbs


  • Jokes (http://www.esljokes.net)

Healthy livingillustration

Lucy Williams worked in an office near the city centre . She usually went for a walk in the park during her lunch hour. Nearly every day she saw a very old man who was always in the park on the same bench. He had white hair and a long white beard and a very contented expression. She sometimes nodded to him or said hello and he always smiled back very happily. One day, she decided to stop and speak to him.
‘Excuse me,’ said Lucy, ‘I often see you here. You always seem very cheerful and you’re never sick! What’s your secret for a long and happy life?’
‘My secret?’ asked the old man, smiling at her ‘I don’t have a secret.’
‘But how often do you take exercise?’ asked Lucy.
‘I never take any exercise, young lady.’
‘What about your diet? How often do you eat fresh fruit and vegetables?’
‘I hardly ever eat vegetables.’ he replied, still smiling,  ‘And I smoke almost all the time.’
‘That’s amazing!’ said Lucy. ‘How old are you?’
‘Thirty five,’ he replied.


posted by Ms Calard in 3èmes- Year 10,4èmes- Year 9,5èmes-Year 8,Grammar,Help !!! and have Comments (6)

Irregular verbs

Dear students,
Here are some websites to help you with the verbs.
Good luck!
Mrs Calard
  • POWERPOINT (Adapté par Mrs Savourat /Inspiré du travail d’Anne Pinel / La plupart des transcriptions de Sophie Morin / Les sons viennent du site d’Yvan Baptiste)


  • GAMES:

Fernando: Game 1

Jeopardy Quiz Game (on peut jouer à plusieurs!)

Spelling activity

Funny game (Mrs Haquet)
Pour vous créer des tests, cliquez ici. Cochez les verbes que vous devez connaitre, puis cliquez sur niveau 3.
Verb Ace (The Big Challenge)
Listes, diaporamas et exercices. (Mme Savourat)
Une idée de fiche à fabriquer vous même.

Des exercices à trous sur les principaux verbes irréguliers vus au collège . Très pratiques, ils sont classés par ordre alphabétique et ressemblent à mes évaluations. A faire sans modération! (CathyDavies’ Tips in English)


  • SONGS (pour apprendre en s’amusant !)

posted by Ms Calard in 4èmes- Year 9,5èmes-Year 8,Grammar,Help !!! and have Comments (7)

Be * Have * There is / there are (révisions)


  • BE

Be au présent simple.

Interactive Exercise

Short answers


  • HAVE

6 exercises



At school and at home (games)

  • JOKE:


POLAR BEAR CUB:  Mum, am I a real polar bear?
POLAR BEAR MOTHER:  Yes, dear, of course you are.
POLAR BEAR MOTHER:  Yes, son. I’m a polar bear. Your dad’s a polar bear. Your grandparents are polar bears. Your sisters are polar bears. Your brothers are polar bears.
POLAR BEAR CUB:  I know that, mum. But am I a real polar bear?
POLAR BEAR MOTHER:  Of course you are. Be quiet and eat your fish.
POLAR BEAR CUB:  But I’m not a polar bear, I’m sure.
POLAR BEAR MOTHER:  Listen to me. You are a real polar bear. Why do you ask the same question again and again?
POLAR BEAR CUB:  Because I’m freezing!

posted by Ms Calard in 5èmes-Year 8,Grammar and have Comment (1)

Classroom English


Here are some activities to revise your Classroom English:


Comprendre les consignes en anglais + un jeu amusant + une appli. 

Formules de Politesse

Pour revoir le vocabulaire de la classe.


Have fun!

Mrs Calard


posted by Ms Calard in 3èmes- Year 10,4èmes- Year 9,5èmes-Year 8,Help !!! and have No Comments

Present Be + V-ing

 Are you revising your English?

Interactive exercise:

PRESENT be+ing : Un nouveau parcours grammatical sur Memovoc,

dont le but est de savoir former le présent en be+ing, et de l’utiliser pour décrire des activités en cours

Créé par Hélène de Morel. (Ac. Caen)

Choose between the Present Simple or Present Be + V-ing

Singin’ in the rain  (Ms Maufroid)

A busy day




I’m with you, by Avril Lavigne + doc

Tom’s diner, by Suzanne Vega

Sailing, by Rod Stewart

Lemon tree, by Fool’s garden

You can tell me which one you prefer by posting a comment !

posted by Ms Calard in 5èmes-Year 8,Grammar,Help !!! and have Comments (5)

Let’s sing!

Pour s’entrainer en écoutant des chansons:

Voici un site qui permet de travailler son anglais au travers de chansons de styles et de niveaux différents. HAVE FUN ! :)


Et n’hésitez pas à laisser des commentaires!


posted by Ms Calard in 3èmes- Year 10,4èmes- Year 9,5èmes-Year 8,Fun! and have Comments (6)

Draw a stickman and have some fun!

Here is a good way to learn some vocabulary during the holidays!

Click on this link :


You may need to look up some words in the dictionary before:


  • a box
  • a key
  • a sword
  • a cloud
  • above / bottom
  • fire
  • a drain


  • a ladder
  • a bucket
  • an elevator
  • a weight
  • a beaver
  • wings

Have fun and be creative !

PS: a stickman est un bonhomme-bâtons qu’on dessine rapidement. A vous de jouer, si possible dans l’ordre. N’hésitez pas à laisser des commentaires pour dire si ça vous a plu, quelque soit votre âge!

Voici pour finir un lien pour dialoguer avec un ordinateur « intelligent ». Entamez la conversation et posez-lui des questions. Il répondra! Cleverbot

posted by Ms Calard in 5èmes-Year 8,Fun!,Vocabulary and have Comments (5)

Gerard Philipe Middle School


My name is Anelyse. I’m a school girl  at Gerard Philipe and Mrs Calard is my teacher. Let me introduce you the differences between an American school and  Gerard Philipe middle school.

At Gerard Philipe middle school,there is  a study hall, offices, a teachers lounge, a GYM, a cafeteria. There isn’t any school store.We have three floors and there isn’t any basement but at Green Valley Middle School (an exemple of my book) there are only two floors and  there is a basement.At the school store you can buy the baseball equipment, a tie, a giant gloves etc…

The Americans love baseball. There  are cheerleaders to encourage the baseball team . They have a big mascot it’s so funny!!! 🙂

Bye bye 😉


Anelyse, 5°6

posted by anelyse in 5èmes-Year 8 and have Comments (4)

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