
On December 20, 1606, ships of the London Company set sail from England to establish a colony in Virginia. The colonists arrived in Chesapeake Bay in April 1607. On board were 105 men, including 40 soldiers, 35 « gentlemen, » and various artisans and laborers.

The Company had instructed Captain Newport, the commander of the ships, to find a site for a colony that was secure from Spanish attack but that also had easy access to the sea. He therefore sailed up a river (which the English named the James) and found a peninsula that seemed to be the right place. There they established James towne.

At first, things seemed to go well. The colonists cleared some land and built a palisade for protection. Inside the palisade they built small houses. The colonists also began to clear some land for planting crops. Meanwhile the natives in the area, a confederation of tribes led by Powhatan, seemed to change from initial hostility to friendship and hospitality. With the natives’ offers of food and friendship, the English began to pay less attention to planting crops and more to exploring the region for quick riches.

Despite the early promise of success, there were already danger signs. During the summer and autumn, many colonists began to sicken and die. In part, we now know, illness and death were caused by the location which was unhealthy. In addition, many colonists had brought with them typhoid and dysentery which became epidemic because the colonists did not understand hygiene. Further, the water supply at Jamestown was contaminated both by human wastes and seawater.

Moreover, by autumn it became obvious that the colonists did not have enough food to survive the winter. Not enough land had been cleared and not enough crops had been planted and harvested. Fortunately for the colonists, Powhatan remained friendly and supplied the English with food. Even so, by the time the « first supply » of more settlers and provisions arrived in early 1608, only 35 of the initial colonists had survived.

There is little question that Captain John Smith saved Jamestown. He organized the colonists and forced them to work in productive ways. He was also able to trade with the natives for food stuffs; when they were reluctant to trade, he took what he needed, souring relations with the natives.

Who left England ?

How long did the trip last ?

Who did they obey ?

How did they settle ?

What were their relationships with the Natives ?

Why did many people die ?

What did the Natives do to assist them ?

What was the role played by John Smith ?

What was the place like ?/ What do you know about the place ?

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