W7 day 19

Please send me the exercices for day 18 on my professional message service.


Read these examples : If I could, I would go outside and walk and walk and walk… If I was free, I would live at the seaside. If I didn’t have a cat, I would adopt a dog. (I’m imagining a different present because I can’t go outside now, I live in Angers, and i have a cat).

If I had lived in the 1950s, I would have worn large skirts like the ones Christian Dior invented, I would probably not have a car. If i had been a boy, I would have been given a horrible name. (I’m imagining a different past, because I live in the 2020s and I was born a girl.)

If I can, I will travel to Corsica next summer (I’m imagining the future.. if it’s possible)

If I could, I would travel to Corsica next summer (I’m imagining the future, but I’m not sure it’s possible)

2 Lisez les exemples en couleurs ci-dessus et répondez aux questions ci-dessous en observant la construction des phrases :

a Le mot qui est nécessaire pour exprimer la condition est :____ (si en français)

b Quand je pense au présent, la condition est au présent/futur/ simple past, et la suite de la phrase contient l’auxiliaire be/have/will/would (entourez la/les bonne(s) réponse(s))

c Quand j’imagine un passé différent, la condition est au simple past/present perfect/past perfect, et la suite de la phrase contient would + past perfect/ will + simple past/ would+ present perfect  (entourez la/les bonne(s) réponse(s))

d Quand j’imagine le futur, si je pense que c’est possible et que ça a des chances d’arriver : la condition est au simple present/futur/ simple past, et la suite est au simple présent/futur/ simple past (entourez la/les bonne(s) réponse(s))

e Quand j’imagine le futur, si je pense que cela n’a pas trop de  chances d’arriver : la condition est au simple present/futur/ simple past, et la suite est au simple présent/futur/ simple past/ conditionnel avec would (entourez la/les bonne(s) réponse(s))

2 Complete the sentences :

a If my parents hadn’t met…

b If my father could, he …

c If I could change something in my life,… (could = si je pouvais)

d If I could change something about me, …

e If I am free in august,

f if I was rich,… ( on peut aussi dire if I were rich, cela souligne que c’est de l’imagination)


3 Look at the message on this door :

 Personally, I would choose George Clooney, because he must be fun to talk too (and I think he is good-looking ), and Barack Obama, Robert Badinter (who abolished the death penalty in France) and Margaret Atwood (who wrote The Handmaid’s Tale) to have interesting conversations. I would also resurrect Roy Buchanan, who is my guitar hero. Who would you choose ?



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