WEEK 8 Day 20

DAY 19

1 RHYMES AND SOUNDS : MATCH THE WORDS AND CREATE PAIRS ACCORDING TO SOUNDS/ Rimes et sons : associez les mots qui riment ensemble par paires. Vous pouvez vous aider de la vidéo pour trouver.

Free  rhymes with…tree

Tall rhymes with…wall

Flower rhymes with …hour

Faster rhymes with ….higher

2 Comparison :

Faster than a train…./ Higher than a tree…. plus rapide qu’un train…/ plus haut qu’un arbre

Sur ce modèle, essayez de répondre aux questions :

Exemple : What is faster : a bicycle or a train ?

A train is faster than a bicycle.

1 What is larger ? a bus or a car ? A bus is larger than a car.

2 What is smaller ?  a cat or an elephant ? A cat is smaller than an elephant.

3 What is higher ? The Eiffel tower or your house ?The Eiffel Tower is higher than my house.

4 What is bigger ? Angers or Paris ? Paris is bigger than Angers.

5 Who is older ? You or your parents ? My parents are older than me.(= plus vieux)



DAY 20

1 COMPARE ….. BEWARE ! THERE ARE TWO SORTS OF COMPARISONS : comparez encore…. attention, il y a deux sortes de modèles.
Ex 1 A bus is larger than a car. Ex 2 An elephant is more dangerous than a buffalo.

Quand l’adjectif est long, on ajoute more devant au lieu de le rallonger. Faites bien attention à la question pour pouvoir y répondre.

1 Who is more intelligent ? Astérix or Obélix ?

2 What is bigger ? A dog or a cat ?

3 What is better for you ? Water or soda ? (better= meilleur, surtout  pour la santé)

4 What is faster ? A cheetah or a tiger ? (cheetah = guépard)

5 What is more dangerous ? A mosquito or an elephant ? (Mosquitoes kill more than one million people every year)

6 What is lazier animal ? A koala or a kangaroo ? (lazy= paresseux)

2 ANSWER THE QUESTIONS : Répondez aux questions

1 Who is faster at jogging ? You or your mother/ your father ?

2 Who is better at mathematics ? you or your brothers and sisters ?

3 Who is taller (=plus grand) ? You or your mother ?

4 Who is funnier (= plus drôle) ?  You or your brother/sister/ cousin ?

5 What is better for you ? Fruits or soda ?



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