The American presidential election oral comprehension

                       WATCH THIS EXCELLENT VIDEO :[youtube][/youtube]

1 The American presidential election takes place every odd year / every eight years / every four years.

2 You can vote if you are an adult/ You can vote provided you are 18 / You must be an 18- year- old American citizen to vote.

3 The popular vote does not count / The total of the popular vote gives out the president’s name. / The popular vote is not the only criterion in the election.

4 People vote for a candidate / People vote for a ticket / people vote for a president and vise-president.

5 The candidate who was elected by people in a state becomes president. / The candidate people voted for in a state gets the support of this state.

6 To know who the president is, they add up the number of states that voted for one or the other, and the one who gets the most states wins./

They add up the number of the  electors’votes across the United states.

7 All the states are equal /All the voters are equal / All the states have the same number of electors / All the states have a minimum of 6 electors. /Each state has two senators and district representatives / The number of district representatives corresponds to the number of inhabitants in each state.

8 The more electors there are, the more influential a state is./ When a candidate wins the votes in a state, he wins the electors in that state. /When a candidate wins the votes in a state, the electors have to vote for him.

9 When a candidate wins the popular vote, he wins the election./ When a candidate wins a majority of states, the electors vote for him and he is elected president./ The candidate wins provided he wins at least 270 electors’ votes.

10 The president starts leading the country in November. / The president elect officially becomes president on January 20th / To become the president, the president elect must take part in a ceremony.

The American presidential election web quest

1 What will Americans do on Nov 6 ?

2 What are the two main political parties in America, and what are their symbols ?

3 Who votes ?

4 Is the Presidential election  direct  ?

5 What is Congress ? How is it organized ? Find out how the states are represented.

6 By the way, how many states are there ?

7 Find out about this special territory.

8 How do people actually vote ?

9  Who can become President  ?

10 When does the President officially become Head of State ?

11 The 7 jobs of the President. What do they consist in ?

12 The most famous office in the world : its name, address, architect.



Harry Potter quiz

If you want to play this game, you can give me the answers in an envelope with your name on September 5th, 2011. The winner will get a box of Harry Potter magic sweets.

A Harry Potter Quiz

1 What is the name of the school of wizardry ?

2 Read about Dumbledore in the Wizard of the Month Archive :

When did he defeat Grindelwald ?

3 What is the title of the first Hary Potter book ? And what is the American title ?

4 What is the name of the very loud letters that people get ?

5 Find the 2 other names of the Wand of Destiny.

6 Where is the Beauxbatons Academy of magic situated ?

7 Who lives in the Burrows ?

8 In the Keeper of the Keys, who tells Harry he is accepted at Hogwarts ?

9  What is the Goblet of Fire made of ?

10 When was Lily Potter born and when did she die ?

11 What is Voldemort’s real name ?

12 Where can you find Marvolo’s ring

13Who wrote Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find them ?

14 Who are really Muggles ?

15 When was Quidditch invented ?

16 Who takes control of the Ministry of Magic in Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows ?

17 Who is headmaster of Hogwarts in book number 7 ?

Quiz about France (for our friends at Waring)

1/ Who is the President of France ?

2/ What are the most famous monuments in Paris ?

3/ What is the name of the inhabitants of Angers ?

4/How many « départements »  are there in France ?

5/ Where is Paris situated ?

6/ What is the Elysée palace ? (the precise answer is at the very end of the page).

7/ Who built the Eiffel tower ? And find out about another monument he built.

8/ What are the typical French dishes ?

9/ Name and situate the French mountains.

10/What are the symbols of the French Republic ?

11/ What is the French currency ?

12/ What is the motto of the French Republic ?

13/ What is the name of the cathedral of Angers ?

14/ Where is Angers situated ?

15/ Find the names of 5 public places in Angers. Here  !

16/ Who was David d’Angers ? (our school is named after him).

17/ What is the longest river in France ?

18/ Name 10 monuments in Paris .

19/ Find the name of our school.

20/ Read the definition of the word college.